View Full Version : A3 overhaul?

03-14-2017, 12:13
My stock has a FJA inside a box and ordanance wheel... but no re-arsenal inspection stamp to the left.

It came with a RI bolt body, a 03 extractor, so I assume it's been rebuilt.

The stock is riddled with dings.... most of the parts are green parked, I replaced the bolt which is black RA. Everything else is RA parts.

Could this rifle missed action but just got bounced around a lot and been refinished and maybe had HS issues to replace the bolt?

according to Brophy's book it's a new manufactured Remington.

Also according to the link ... http://trfindley.com/pgm1903stkid.html........ the stock is a Remington.

The stock band spring slot is squared toward the front.

03-14-2017, 06:38
I bought a good shooting totally Parkerized 1943 Remington 03-A3 last summer with a nice stock that was a mixmaster of Remington and Smith Corona parts. I bought a head space gauge and a graduated muzzle erosion gauge to check for wear and found that the rifle was in minty mechanical condition. The gauges are fairly inexpensive and can be found on the Internet. My rifle also has a replacement bolt made by Bonnie Forge in 1941 originally made for a M1903 with an older style M1903 extractor. The bolt works OK in the A3 but the extractor would jam the bullet case and needed replaced. I bought a NOS Remington 03-A3 extractor that works well with the Bonnie Forge bolt.

Rick the Librarian
03-14-2017, 07:28
"New manufactured Remington"? Pictures, please!

03-14-2017, 07:37
I'm quoting Brophy's book Rick

RJA only inspected new manufactured Remington during the war.

Rick the Librarian
03-15-2017, 06:06
I think you might have misunderstood Brophy. What page?

03-15-2017, 08:09
my bad.. also SC too. But I have a bolted stock with no rebuilt or overhaul stamp. Maybe it was just repaired.

Pg. 566 & 567

I think I found the answer...pg. 563.....

"Rifles overhauled in the field will not be stamped."

I saw on page 585 "Ordnance Base Shop"....was the 5th Echelon which was the same as arsenal rebuild done by military personnel"

under general notes on the bottom of the page... they talk about Parkerizing...I assume that that's why my rifle is parked.