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View Full Version : Can anyone Identify this Colt(?) Holster?

03-21-2017, 07:48
I purchased a few old pistols and this holster was included and I am trying to determine what it was originally made for. As you can see it has been modified considerably, but the numbers for the style and size are still included. Any information would be greatly appreciated.


03-21-2017, 10:45
At first glance, it looks to be a custom "design" done by the owner. The numbers on the back could be the details for the original holster from which this was made. The intended purpose is just a guess, but it looks like its details are similar to some of the styles than have appeared for a holster that offered a "quick draw". The time to clear leather would be reduced with the omission of half of the holster's surface, but the retention capability would be significantly reduced as well. I can't see the detail of the central band, but I'm assuming it is some sort of stiffened leather or even a piece of spring steel which becomes the only thing actually hold the pistol in place. I don't think it's a design I would trust for safety and unless it was worn under a jacket or coat, it would only advertise the intended purpose and perhaps send a message to others - intended or otherwise.

03-22-2017, 09:21
Thank you for the comments. Yes the center holder is spring steel like you would find on a modern holster. Not sure when the holster originated but the back of the holster has the owners name and he was a 1st Lt. He was appointed 1LT in 1936 so while the holster could be earlier I have that much to go on. A Colt Officers model revolver fits fairly well, I think the owner used it primarily to hold either that type of pistol or a similar target pistol. I expect he put the little wire on it to hang it from a nail or coat hook in a closet or by the door so he could shoot critters. Unfortunately, it has been so modified that I can only guess but some of the sharp people on the site know a lot about holsters etc. and maybe could identify it by the numbers. It is a shot in the dark, pun intended, but I thought I would try.