View Full Version : Re: Springfield 1903 USMC Sniper Rifle for Sale on GB

The Wolf
05-21-2017, 01:48
Interesting piece (not mine). It appears to have been completely redone/refinished. At least the scope looks original.

Best Regards from Virginia,



05-21-2017, 07:00
Yeah scope is good to go. The rifle has serious issues.

I really like the scope though because it's a low serial number. I wouldn't mind having the scope. But I would sure pass on that rifle. :)

05-21-2017, 10:37
$ I was ready to plop down 11K. Thanks! LOL

05-22-2017, 10:53
Being refinished reduces the value to about half what it would be not refinished.
Serial number is not within the range of USMC sniper rifles too. According to these guys. http://olive-drab.com/od_other_firearms_rifle_m1941usmc.php

05-22-2017, 05:11
I think most if not all of the info on olive drab is the research by Larry Reynolds, aka Big Larry from his article he wrote about 20 years ago or so.

Yeah this one would be the highest serial know to date if it was real, but nothing on it looks right. Even before what looks like a civilian refinish.

The Marines received the last shipment of 1903A1 NM rifles for the rifle teams in 1940. They received a 150 of them. The shipment before that was in 1937 for also a 150 NM rifles. It seems the majority of legit snipers we find, the majority came in one of these last two NM shipments to the teams.

John Beard
05-22-2017, 09:07
I concur with cplnorton. The Unertl Scope is authentic. The rifle is a fake, replica, or reproduction, depending on your point of view.


06-04-2017, 08:53
Bolt sleeve is RIA, wide tall front sight is incorrect, handguard incorrect, replacement sear.Not worth 5 figures, and w/o the scope not even 4 figures. The Corps went back to the original narrow front sight in the 1930s. The front sight seems to be an effort to legitemize the rest of the rifle.

06-05-2017, 08:05
USMC wouldnt have mounted the bases backwards.