View Full Version : Rock-Ola

Viking Guy
05-22-2017, 08:10

I've come across a Rock-Ola I may be interested in. S/N puts it between Nov 1942 and Nov 1943, more towards late 1942. It is an arsenal rework with "AA V" stamped on the left side of the stock, bayonet lug, and adjustable sights. Not import marked. Overall condition is excellent. The pictures, if you can see them, show the barrel mark, what appears to be a rack number painted on the stock, and this sticker in the sling cutout. I'm curious about the sticker. Is this indicative of a test firing by the arsenal, a CMP test firing, or something else? I've no history on the piece other than the Gent (he's 73) I got it from says his dad "got it years ago".

Any help or insight would be much appreciated. BTW, I put the photos in the forum album but can't seem to put them in my post. I believe I'm following the directions in the sticy, but I don't se a "BB" code or even know what that means or what it is.



05-22-2017, 08:38
Need more and better photos then what you have shown. If the barrel is not dated and it a Rock-Ola barrel then it means the barrel was made after June 1943. Rock-Ola didn't start carbine production till February 1943. The AAV is for Augusta Armory with the V as the inspectors letter ID. This would have been when it was rebuilt and upgraded during or just after the Korean war. The sticker could be anything but was not put on at the Armory or CMP. It does sound like it's an old DCM or an NRA carbine.

Viking Guy
05-22-2017, 02:57
Thanks, Tuna. Id load more and better photos but for some reason the album site will not let me upload right now. The barrel is not dated but is marked Rock-Ola. I can make out Rock-Ola under the rear sight. The sticker seems to be the results of a proof or post overhaul firing test. It indicates range of 100 and elevation 200, and range 200 and elevation 300, with winds at 0. I should have realized it would have been DCM vs CMP. The upper band appears to have "J.M.Q." on it and the bayonet lug has EM-O on the underside. Rear sight has I.R. CO on it. I've heard of the NRA sales carbines but am unfamiliar with what if any differences would be vs other carbines.


05-23-2017, 08:39
NRA and DCM carbines are pretty much the same thing. One from the DCM program and the other available to NRA members at the time. Both came from storage at different armories across the country. I have seem some fully rebuilt like yours and others that nothing was touched and made in early 1943. Just luck of the draw so to speak.