View Full Version : Help....Can I Safely switch barrels on Beretta Silver Snipe?

06-04-2017, 03:37
I'm 83 and used to know more about guns than I do now....I have an old Beretta 12 gauge Silver Snipe, and the barrels are no good....I bought a parts gun (same gun) with very good barrels. Is it safe to just switch them? Or, since the parts gun has a bad receiver....can I just put my receiver on the parts gun?......thanks for the help.

06-06-2017, 05:27
head space would need to be checked. It also might need fitted at the lock and hinge

06-06-2017, 08:51
If the "new" barrels fit and lock up tightly... no movement at all when loaded with fired shells... I would do a test run... weight the gun down with sand bags, load some light loads and pull the trigger with a 10' long string. Examine the fired rounds for any signs of difficulty with extraction, etc. Try some high brass loads the same way. Do this several times until you gain confidence with the combination.

The Silver Snipe was a well built and robust shotgun.

06-07-2017, 04:40
I watched a gunsmith fit a set of barrels to my Beretta OU. He used prussian blue to check the bearing of the hinge and the lugs on the sides of the receiver.