View Full Version : 600 Yards With the Krag
06-21-2017, 12:37
Shot a 600 yard match last weekend with my '98 Krag rifle. I used to shoot my 03A3 but for some reason the USMC has recently banned 30-06 from this particular range so I am trying to find something else to take its place. The match consisted of 3 strings of 20 rounds for score, prone, slow fire. I shot the Krag in 2 relays. Each string had a possible of 200-20. My first string was a 99-1. Second string was a 85-0. By the time I started the second relay the wind was blowing 90* to the bullet flight path at a good clip. Most of the rounds landed short or wide. Any way, I think it shows some promise. I was shooting the Hornady AMax 168 gr bullets over 38 grains of IMR4895. There's another match next month on the 29th. I'm going to try the Hornady 178 gr ELD bullet and IMR4350. Don't know whether to stand in elation or hang my head in shame. If nothing else, the rifle was quite the conversation piece mixed in amongst all of the black rifle and F class shooters. Maybe I'm just expecting too much from the old gal.
Griff Murphey
06-21-2017, 04:27
[QUOTE=musketjon;500665]Shot a 600 yard match last weekend with my '98 Krag rifle. I used to shoot my 03A3 but for some reason the USMC has recently banned 30-06 from this particular range so I am trying to find something else to take its place.
The Army/Texas National Guard pulled the same stunt at old Fort Wolters in Mineral Wells, Texas, as a run-
up to completely banning civilians. The 1,000 yard range the Texas State Rifle Association had gotten back into shape was then ruined by building a permanent Control Tower at 500 yards, killing its training potential not only for 1,000 yards but also making it useless for NMC shooting.
These ranges which in most cases survived having survived intensive World War Two and Korean War training, as well as decades of safe use in peacetime training firing the .30'06 and 7.62 NATO, not to mention many military ranges that go right back to WW-1 and earlier (that's 100 years of .30 Cal. Shooting!) are falling victim to creeping wussification of our military. These decisions are made by officers who have no idea what an M-1 or M1903 is.
41 years ago I used to slip away from the dental clinic over lunch to shoot my 7.62 USAF conditioned match (welded repaired!) M-1 on range 214 at Camp Horno. If I did my part I could hold nearly every shot in the head of the 500 yard full face silhouette. I remember one young marine watching me shoot that gun back in 1976 and remarking, "THAT'S the rifle the Marine Corps needs!" Grin! (as Gus Fisher used to say!)
You at Pendletion in the SMGC?
Dan Shapiro
06-21-2017, 04:31
Welcome to the club. Pendleton now restricts us to one range while firing 30-06. Despite the fact that these ranges were built for that cartridge.
06-21-2017, 11:08
[QUOTE=musketjon;500665]The Army/Texas National Guard pulled the same stunt at old Fort Wolters in Mineral Wells, Texas,
You at Pendletion in the SMGC?
Camp Wolters is where my father had his basic in '41.
Yes, I'm an SMGC member. I'm the one with the DI hat with Infantry hat cord.
Griff Murphey
06-22-2017, 06:53
Isn't it odd AND ironic that the media love to call the .223s "High powered" and now the military is scared (or claim they are) about shooting a 114 year old deer hunting cartridge on their ranges?!
Sick. I had many happy shoots over lunch on Range 214. Usually they were by then on the 500. My dental commander was an ex USMC helo pilot, he hated my guts for putting on utilities and heading to the range over lunch. I went from having water walking OERs on Okinawa and with 1/4 to being written up in a most uncomplimentary way by that guy.
06-22-2017, 09:51
M-jon, good on you! Keep at it. You can safely work a load for the 178 gr bullet up to the 2400 fps level using 4350. You might try a heavier bullet, too. The Ktag was designed to shoot 220s. Good luck!
And banning the 30-06! What will they think of next!
06-25-2017, 09:45
Picked up some 178 ELD's and IMR4350 yesterday to try at the match next month. As usual, I'll keep you posted on the outcome.
Griff Murphey
09-26-2017, 08:20
Picked up some 178 ELD's and IMR4350 yesterday to try at the match next month. As usual, I'll keep you posted on the outcome.
Any more range time on Pendleton with your classic?
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