View Full Version : Getting closer

Dick Hosmer
06-22-2017, 08:28
Here is a link to the "preview" just posted on CreateSpace who will be printing my new book, hopefully within a couple of months. Feedback (on their form - so as to build up credibility with them - as well as any informal comments here) greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Yes - I AM aware there are a couple of minor typos, etc. - decided to try their Preview thing on a whim, in a bit of haste, late at night! :icon_lol:

Dan Shapiro
06-22-2017, 08:55
I LIKE IT! (Sorry, didn't mean to shout!) :headbang:

06-22-2017, 10:40
It appears you are going to have a very useful and attractive reference, Dick Hosmer. I am looking forward to purchasing an autographed copy from you for the Holidays!

06-23-2017, 06:07
Looking forward to its release. Will be adding it to my reference library.

Major Tom
06-24-2017, 11:32
Congratulations Dick! Finally!

Dick Hosmer
07-03-2017, 11:55
Well, it's been an "experience" (including losing my editor/publisher who wanted to reduce his backlog of commitments) and took way longer than I thought it would (since my discipline was lousy and I kept accumulating guns and tidbits of info) but, here it is - Look for it on Amazon towards the end of the month, ASSUMING nothing comes up in their final review process, currently under way. 325 pages, hundreds of photos ......... $24.95.


07-04-2017, 04:04
Congratulations, Dick! I'm really looking forward to getting a copy.

07-04-2017, 08:58
I'm looking forward to purchasing a copy Dick. I like the way you integrated the full rifle pics vertically. Nice touch and better use of text space. I will be ordering a copy!

Dick Hosmer
07-04-2017, 10:54
Update: CreateSpace (Amazon) has approved the files for printing! All that needs to be done now is one final fly-speck pass through the physical proof (on its' way to me) and my sign-off. Book should definitely be available for purchase on Amazon before the end of the month. As things progress, I will obtain, and maintain, a small stock for the purpose of local sales, and being able to provide autographed copies to those who desire same. This will take a little more time to set up.

Thanks to all for your help, patience, and support.

07-04-2017, 11:51
I ended up recently using the new Amazon print publishing system. In hindsight, maybe I should have stuck with createspace. Amazon doesn't send you a printed copy for review nor do they send copies for the author to hand out. I had to purchase my own copy to review and glad I did as there were some formatting errors that didn't readily appear in the electronic review. Also, it appears that the createspace template is very close but not exactly like the Amazon template. I had my book in the createspace template and that created some minor pagination problems with Amazon.

Good luck - looking forward to reading the new book!

07-04-2017, 12:24
Update: CreateSpace (Amazon) has approved the files for printing! All that needs to be done now is one final fly-speck pass through the physical proof (on its' way to me) and my sign-off. Book should definitely be available for purchase on Amazon before the end of the month. As things progress, I will obtain, and maintain, a small stock for the purpose of local sales, and being able to provide autographed copies to those who desire same. This will take a little more time to set up.

Thanks to all for your help, patience, and support.

I'm extremely excited about this Book!

Dan Shapiro
07-05-2017, 02:35
At my age I'm used to waiting. Should I send you a check now and speed up the process?

Dick Hosmer
07-05-2017, 03:39
Anyone who wants to do so may send a check or postal money order, for $29.95 to P. O. Box 1367, Colusa CA 95932. That will include priority mail postage within the US. Be sure to state that it is for the new book. If you wish a special inscription, include that info with your order.

I need to stress, at this point, that the book is NOT yet released to print, and so I cannot say exactly when shipment will be made. That said, apparently, they can - when they want to - operate pretty quickly, since they are shipping my five proof copies one (1) day after I placed the order! I don't know whether they are showing off, or if I hit them at a lull, or what.

Also, I have a good stock of the .58/.50 books on hand, and if your copy is showing wear, and was not signed, now would be an excellent time to start over fresh. If the two ship together, add $16.95 to your order.

Thank you!

Tom Trevor
07-08-2017, 07:09
Just to see if this now allows posting. I will get one from Dick when he has them.

Dan Shapiro
07-09-2017, 03:36
"Checks in the mail!"

In my case, no lie, it really is! :)

Dick Hosmer
07-13-2017, 04:35
Check received! Thanks. Through a screw-up on the printer's part, I just received five extra proof copies. If you don't mind, I'll send you one - I'd appreciate another pair of eyes going over it; I've read it so many times I'm getting cross-eyed. There are some cosmetic things that I've already fixed, but am looking for incomplete sentences, dropped words, awkward text placement squeezed between pictures, perhaps your thoughts on whether I've overdone the bold and italic highlights, general appearance - things like that. Think I'm still on schedule for release prior to the end of the month. OK? Anyone else? (max. of 2, first come, first served)

07-14-2017, 04:55
I'd be happy to look over a proof copy.

07-14-2017, 07:32
Ill take a look

Dick Hosmer
07-16-2017, 12:44
I'll need your mailing addresses. Email to richardahosmer@comcast.net

Thought I'd posted that little tidbit already - another senior moment.

Dan Shapiro
07-16-2017, 02:06
Dick, you flatter me! But, YES!, I'd be more than happy to peruse a proof copy.

07-16-2017, 03:25
I am in for an autographed copy, , PLEASE

will get a check out as soon as I can

Dick Hosmer
07-16-2017, 05:08
I am in for an autographed copy, , PLEASE

will get a check out as soon as I can

Thank you - Even though the book should go on sale at Amazon before the end of the month, I will not have a stock of copies myself until sometime after that - so - no need to rush.

Dick Hosmer
08-20-2017, 10:49
I have approved the final proof of the book - it should appear for sale on Amazon within 3-5 business days. Not sure how soon I will be in a position to offer autographed copies.

If anyone does buy it, PLEASE let me know if you find any errors and I will correct them. I'm sure that "tarpdoor" is in there somewhere, but my eyes are crossed from reading it over and over, and over.

At this time, I would like to thank all of my friends for their help and encouragement throughout what was a long (far too long actually) process.

I hope you will enjoy it.

Dan Shapiro
08-21-2017, 04:48

08-21-2017, 06:32
I Will!

08-22-2017, 07:59
Looking forward to purchasing a copy!

Dick Hosmer
08-22-2017, 10:15
Went up for sale early yesterday morning - 6 copies sold so far, at last check.


Book #1: $12.95 from Amazon, plus $3.99 postage (actually ships from my storage area, and will be signed unless requested otherwise). OR direct from me, same price, $16.95
Book #1 is physical inventory, while Book #2 is POD (print on demand).

Book #2: $24.95 from Amazon, plus postage (and unsigned) OR, $29.95 from me, including postage, and signed. Will take a bit longer as it will be in transit twice (at least until I build up a contingency stock here).

SPECIAL: If your copy of #1 is getting dog-eared, or wasn't signed, I will include a fresh signed copy along with your #2, for $12.95 extra (but must ship in same envelope).

My address: P.O.Box 1367 Colusa CA 95932.

08-24-2017, 01:41
Hi Dick
Will buy from you direct. Can't do business with Jeff Bezoar!

Dick Hosmer
08-24-2017, 03:10

Like him or not, and I don't, he has provided a service that I need!

09-04-2017, 06:57
Hi Dick
Payment for your second book will go in the mail tomorrow since today is a holiday. Tried to send you a PM but your mailbox is full. I'm really looking forward to getting this one, referred to your first book Many Times.

Dick Hosmer
09-04-2017, 08:18
Thanks, I think you will like it.

Sales have been modest (though I truly have NO idea what to expect from such a niche book) but steady - have sold about 25 on Amazon since the 8-21 launch, plus a handful of private sales for which I am awaiting arrival of the books (now in transit) to fulfill. Also, some dealers have apparently ordered, but Amazon reports those sales differently with a much longer time lag, and no "live" count.

There will probably not be a Kindle edition, as WAAY too much reformatting appears to be required, but I'm still trying to resolve the issue.

k arga
09-09-2017, 05:37
Dick, I sent a check for your two books but forgot to ask, please sign them for me.
kurt varga

Dick Hosmer
09-09-2017, 07:31
Hope to mail all outstanding orders NLT Tuesday.

Dick Hosmer
09-11-2017, 08:38
There will probably not be a Kindle edition, as WAAY too much reformatting appears to be required, but I'm still trying to resolve the issue.

Belay that - seems they have an (unadvertised, and in beta testing) converter utility of which I was unaware. Tried it - worked flawlessly, and book is already available to Kindle users.

Again, I cannot say enough about Amazon self-publishing.

Dick Hosmer
09-12-2017, 12:22
ALL books which were ordered directly from me - old, new, or the combo - HAVE been shipped.

For those who were concerned that their check had not cleared, I was simply holding them until I'd been able to complete my end of the deal.

Have 2 or 3 of the new books left, but more have been ordered. Funny, CS has a printer in So Cal, but mine come all the way from South Carolina.

Many thanks to all!

Dan Shapiro
09-14-2017, 01:35
Wooohooooo! Got the book! Hope the wife doesn't have any plans for the next couple of days.

Thanks Dick!

Dick Hosmer
09-14-2017, 02:08
Great - I'd also like to hear how the wrapping/packing holds up, from you early recipients. I'm using mailers from the PO right now, but need to line up a bulk source; will probably go with U-Line.

Dan Shapiro
09-15-2017, 12:16
Packaging was excellent. No rips, no tears.

09-18-2017, 04:33
I'm looking forward to owning a copy. Thanks Dick.


09-18-2017, 06:17
Great - I'd also like to hear how the wrapping/packing holds up, from you early recipients. I'm using mailers from the PO right now, but need to line up a bulk source; will probably go with U-Line.

Received the book today and it came through just fine, no problems with the packaging at all. Skimmed the TOC and a few sections. Will be more thorough this weekend. Thanks!!!

k arga
09-19-2017, 03:00
Got mine everything great, thanks

Dick Hosmer
09-27-2017, 12:06
New supply of books just arrived, after a week in transit.

Dick Hosmer
09-29-2017, 07:14
I have found a couple of potential errors in my postal receipts. If anyone has ordered book(s) more than about two weeks ago, but not received them - please let me know, along with your address, via email at richardahosmer@comcast.net. Thanks.

10-10-2017, 11:50
Dick, a check is in the mail.


02-26-2018, 09:53
Dick, just to let you know I have downloaded both books from Amazon on my kindle nice books great info have read through most of the 58-50 one and browsed the 45-70 one.
One thing though is the first one downloaded to my kndle paperwhite fine but had to get the kindle app on my tablet to get the second one it is not configured to work on a paperwhite.


Dick Hosmer
02-26-2018, 10:46

Thanks for the heads-up. Unlike the hardcopy, I have no control over how they do the Kindle formatting, but I do know that there have been several successful downloads - including one luminary who complained - bitterly (including a 3.0 rating) - that the book on rare arms did not cover his common one. Kinda like buying a book on bears, and complaining that there were no tigers in it.

I'd be glad to take the Kindle matter up with them, but I do not speak Kindle - have you complained to Amazon? If not, perhaps you could try, since you can properly describe EXACTLY what happened? Again thanks, and I'm glad you are enjoying the books.


02-27-2018, 03:20

Thanks for the heads-up. Unlike the hardcopy, I have no control over how they do the Kindle formatting, but I do know that there have been several successful downloads - including one luminary who complained - bitterly (including a 3.0 rating) - that the book on rare arms did not cover his common one. Kinda like buying a book on bears, and complaining that there were no tigers in it.

I'd be glad to take the Kindle matter up with them, but I do not speak Kindle - have you complained to Amazon? If not, perhaps you could try, since you can properly describe EXACTLY what happened? Again thanks, and I'm glad you are enjoying the books.


Dick, the way I found out was trying to purchase the kindle book to my paperwhite and kept getting an error message that no kindle device registered for that account for that download. Had to get on with live chat to get it sorted out. The Amazon lady sent a list of all the devices it was formatted for and the kindle paperwhites were not listed only Amazon's newest devices and tablets, phones, etc. in android operating system with the kindle app downloaded and set up. I have the list if you want it can send by e mail attachment.


Dick Hosmer
02-27-2018, 07:13
Sure, I'll see what I can do. Are you saying the "paperwhite" is obsolete? At some point, support drops off for older stuff. MacDraw was one of the very best and (best of all) most intuitive, drawing programs ever made, but it is gone now.