View Full Version : 1870 stock

07-13-2017, 05:22
Is there a difference between an 1870 and 1868 stock? Besides the difference in the double shoulder/single shoulder and the shorter receiver are they the same?

Dick Hosmer
07-13-2017, 07:09
The vast majority, in my experience are the same, all inletted for the long receiver, but a good friend of mine once owned a stock which was definitely cut for the short receiver, so they do exist. Somewhere in my morass, I believe I have a side-by-side photo of same. Al Frasca has noticed a difference in stock profile at the left rear of the receiver, but this is not always easy to see and I think is due at least partially to machining tolerances rather than an intentional design change. The rod keeper mortise did not change, just the keeper itself - recall that 70s are found with both styles.

07-14-2017, 04:46
Thanks Dick

Dick Hosmer
07-14-2017, 08:01
Many/most/nearly all stocks of the 1868/70 period were reworked from musket stocks, with the spoon prep. Anything made new would not have same. I cannot recall if my friend's stock had it or not.