View Full Version : M1 Winchester Operating rod values

Drill Sergeant
07-15-2017, 08:58
Posted this on another forum, but then found that Jouster was back on line (Yeah). . .

I know, I know, not another how much is it worth question, but I need insights.

It is time for me to break up my 40+ year collections. I have somehow managed to obtain several M1 operating rods over the years, for which I have no use. I want to divest myself of most of my collectables, however have not watched the markets for years. If I receive responses on these values, I'll press my luck and list several WWII SA's for value opinions. Not asking for sales here, just values.

Here are two Winchesters for which I need opinions (all are at least VG+ to Excellent):

D35382W.R.A.; UNCUT; Slant; .526 Piston

D353282-W.R.A.; UNCUT; Slant; .526 Piston

Thanks for the help!

07-15-2017, 09:36
I just sold 2 of these on Gun broker for $100 for one and $130.00 for the other, both uncut, so they are worth at least that much! They are worth what one is willing to pay. good luck!

Bill E
07-15-2017, 02:47
I've seen uncut WRA op rods go for $250-$350. Uncut WRA op rods are not very plentiful on the market.

07-17-2017, 06:52
try ebay, do an advanced search, click the sold box,

one sold for $325 on May 30th, cut

eBay item number:


07-21-2017, 01:38
A lot of the value will depend on whether it's original finish or reparked.

07-24-2017, 10:05
I just sold 2 of these on Gun broker for $100 for one and $130.00 for the other, both uncut, so they are worth at least that much! They are worth what one is willing to pay. good luck!

You left some money on the table.

Punch the Clown
08-16-2017, 07:59
300+ each. Put them on ebay-one at a time- and let a bidding war start.