View Full Version : Revolver vs. Pistol for CCW
This is not a revolver vs. pistol argument, it is what you can do with it that counts. For years I carried a HK USPC .40 with a laser. I carried it in a IWB holster or loose in my jeans pocket The problem was that being handicapped, I was never going to win a quick draw contest. Somebody asked me could I shoot the HK while it was still in my jeans pocket. So, I tried it and yes you can fire one round... but that is about it. I bought a S&W 838 .38 special and it will fire all 5 rounds while still in the pocket.
What is best for you me not be the best for you. The little S&W in my jeans is a no brainer. I recently lost 50 pounds and had some jeans I was never going to wear again. I practiced with a 7 yard torso target. I can get 5 hits center mass and the pistol never leaves my pocket...
The HK USPC is a world class pistol... The S&W 838 is just a reliable easy to carry piece.
Clark Howard
07-21-2017, 05:26
I carry a S&W Model 60 in my jeans pocket. I can put one in the center at 7 yds much quicker than I can with my Sig from a holster. And, there is no brass to police if you have to fire in a compromising situation. Regards, Clark
I carry a S&W Model 60 in my jeans pocket. I can put one in the center at 7 yds much quicker than I can with my Sig from a holster. And, there is no brass to police if you have to fire in a compromising situation. Regards, Clark
I'm on the same page with you. I carry a Rossi M88 stainless. Tit for tat very similar to the Smith at a lesser price and are surprisingly accurate along with no large adjustable rear sight to catch on a holster or pocket. I own 4 of them and one Taurus 85 Ultra-Lite. I will not carry or trust ANY auto pistol for self defense, not even a 1911 (which I have 8 of). I will get a lot of flak from the devoted Glock and Sig owners but you are only halfway guaranteed one shot from an auto. After that they can and will eventually jam. A revolver is not going to jam period. If there is a misfire just pull the trigger again and go to the next cartridge. BTW I own Glocks too.
JB White
07-21-2017, 06:10
My preference has always been revolvers therefore they are second nature to me. Yes, I can get more used to an auto with practice, practice, practice, and I can handle most autos quite well. Under controlled circumstances. The revolver is second nature to me now, today.
S.A. Boggs
07-21-2017, 06:46
Revolvers Can Jam, I saw this on the firing line. In the old day's cop's were notorious for not maintaining their pdw's. I have always used a shoulder holster @ first for my 1911 and now my Sig P220. It boils down to how much maintance is a shootest willing to do. It is easier to clear a round out of the chamber then a jammed cylinder.
Very rare for revolver to 'jam', odds much higher with a semi! And then there is the safety issue.
07-21-2017, 07:09
Small Rock Island .38 snubbie revolver works for me. Fits and carries well in a IWB. Safety? Personally I think semi autos are safer, or at least easier to put in a safer condition. With an empty chamber and no magazine a semi is safe but I can insert a mag and rack a slide in a second or two if neeeded in an emergency.
Question...what about the side blast from the cyclinder-barrel gap? I have always taught and demonstrated the side blast to students as to why they should not stand beside the revolver when it is fired. Now, shooting from a pocket...isn't that getting a little close for 'personal' comfort from lead shavings or scorched nickers?
S.A. Boggs
07-22-2017, 06:11
Question...what about the side blast from the cyclinder-barrel gap? I have always taught and demonstrated the side blast to students as to why they should not stand beside the revolver when it is fired. Now, shooting from a pocket...isn't that getting a little close for 'personal' comfort from lead shavings or scorched nickers?
It's called burn your hide which never happens in the movies.
07-22-2017, 08:45
Question...what about the side blast from the cyclinder-barrel gap? I have always taught and demonstrated the side blast to students as to why they should not stand beside the revolver when it is fired. Now, shooting from a pocket...isn't that getting a little close for 'personal' comfort from lead shavings or scorched nickers?
Would depend on clothes as to how close the action actually is to the valuables . In practice I would assume one would wear some extra layers of protection . Never tried it from the pocket , just some thoughts on the subject . Used to be nothing but a revolver for me , finally in the 90's I tried some semi's , after getting used to them settled on a G-30 in a paddle holster , works pretty slick for me . Like it because it doesn't have any snag points and if time is allowed for an aimed shot these little pistols are incredibally accurate also with a G-21 magazine in it , it fits my hands really well .
As for the wheel gun , still carry one now and then , for personal , a snubby 38 loaded with Federal 158gr HP semi wadcutter +P , also very accurate .
I keep looking for a nice 44 special snubby , don't know why , just always wanted one .
Colt's Cobra FTW
only 1/8" thicker than a J-frame Smith...
6 shots...
bobbed hammer for snag free-ness...
lighter so it doesnt pull my pants down (ive got snake hips so i need my belt 3 notches tighter than is comfortable to keep my pants up with any added weight)...
07-22-2017, 06:40
My preference has always been revolvers therefore they are second nature to me. Yes, I can get more used to an auto with practice, practice, practice, and I can handle most autos quite well. Under controlled circumstances. The revolver is second nature to me now, today.
I go with the revolver any day.
S.A. Boggs
07-23-2017, 04:02
Much conversation revolver vs auto, that will never change. Now comes to how do you carry your PDW, spare ammo. How often do you do a complete cleaning to get rid of the "cobwebs" that accumulate i.e. clothes reside, dust and the like. I prefer a modified shoulder holster that I can on my left side carry my Sig P220/small can of pepper spray and on the other 4 loaded mags. This is my year round carry and quite comfortable.
JB White
07-23-2017, 05:54
Now comes to how do you carry your PDW, spare ammo.
Speed Strip with just five rounds back in the day*. A very flat fit inside any pocket. Strips may be slower, but at least you have them with you when a Speedloader isn't convenient to carry. Also, a strip may lose a round but not all 5 or 6 at once.
*_______________For numerous reasons I have opted not to carry anymore. Let's just say I don't make a habit of.
60's vintage S&W Centennial, mostly,
will have a spare HKS speedloader in a pocket, or if in the car, console
also carry a Seecamp LWS32 on occasion,
when it is much cooler I'll have a 1911 on the hip, or a SIG220
For S.A. Boggs or anyone else in the 'hot' zone - I carried a .45 in shoulder holster for the AF for years and would prefer that today. Now retired and live in AZ. Most of the year you can wear your shirt out like a Hawaiian shirt, or now they have begun making button-ups with no tails. Yes, I know, it's a dry heat, but in 105 to 117 degree heat in the summer (Jun, Jul, Aug and 1/2 of Sept), how do you 'conceal carry' in your shoulder holster? I carry in a Uncle Mike's black nylon holster and have to be sure to oil outside of the firearm as sweat does get thru the holster.
S.A. Boggs
07-24-2017, 04:41
For S.A. Boggs or anyone else in the 'hot' zone - I carried a .45 in shoulder holster for the AF for years and would prefer that today. Now retired and live in AZ. Most of the year you can wear your shirt out like a Hawaiian shirt, or now they have begun making button-ups with no tails. Yes, I know, it's a dry heat, but in 105 to 117 degree heat in the summer (Jun, Jul, Aug and 1/2 of Sept), how do you 'conceal carry' in your shoulder holster? I carry in a Uncle Mike's black nylon holster and have to be sure to oil outside of the firearm as sweat does get thru the holster.
You have the right idea as this is exactly how I have done this for years with the same rig. Mom modified with a little padding in the shoulder to lessen the weight impact. In cool weather I wear a western vest as well as my duster. @ my age, I can always pull a Fred Sanford!:hello:
Ruger SP101 with bobbed hammer rides on my hip every day.... that is, after I get home from my job at a school district where firearms are forbidden except for kids, parents and staff that may decide to go nuts.
School policies forbid me to carry a firearm, but cannot protect me from other who choose to carry in violation of the policy.
07-26-2017, 04:50
Either one of three J-frames or either M15 or RSS.
Next level is M39-2 , BHP, or Colt 1991A1, either in IWb or Bianchi X-15 / 2000
07-28-2017, 05:43
I carry a S&W Model 60 in my jeans pocket. I can put one in the center at 7 yds much quicker than I can with my Sig from a holster. And, there is no brass to police if you have to fire in a compromising situation. Regards, Clark
When I was carrying, my piece was a S&W Chief's Special loaded with 200 gr round noses. Loved that gun. Wish I still had it.
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