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S.A. Boggs
07-21-2017, 05:26
the longest handgun shot that you took and hit the target. 1911A1 shooting @ a 55 gallon barrel @ 300yds and a VW sized rock sticking out of the lake @ 500 yards [ran out of slide!].
the longest handgun shot that you took and hit the target. 1911A1 shooting @ a 55 gallon barrel @ 300yds and a VW sized rock sticking out of the lake @ 500 yards [ran out of slide!].
Back in 1973 we were in a jeep crossing a railroad in a remote part of swamp east Georgia when we spotted 2 feral hogs in the mud by a RR bridge about 400 yards away. The guy driving says, "watch me scare the s---t out of them," and took his H&R Duramatic .22 pistol and fired one round. One dead 250 lb hog! We skinned the pig out and took the loins and hams home. We never found the bullet nor the wound... it was like maybe he scared her to death.
Some where I have a pic of the hog... but I haven't seen it for over 40 years.
07-21-2017, 07:18
A buddy and myself and son was going up the road , long time ago when it was still ok to whip off the road and shoot groundhogs , and we spotted a fox trotting across a field . I told my buddy to pull over , he asked what you going to do ? Told him I'm going to shoot that fox , it was 150-200 yds , he said B.S. Stepped out of the car and stood off handed , led the fox about a body length and held the front sight barrel deep in the rear sight , pow! That 38 wadcutter connected and the fox flipped end over end kicking what I thought was a death kick .
I laughed and my buddy and son said it was a good thing they were with me . Well as you know when you pull a shot like that out of your prosteria , you should leave well enough along , but no not me .
Fox got back to it's feet and was running , stumbling sideways and yeah I had to try it again , twice , well that blew those bragging rights .
Bob in WA
07-21-2017, 08:01
Back in 1960 when I could still a steel plate as 300 yard, at the rifle range I could hit the plate about 2 out of 5 shots . This was setting on ground using the roof support as back rest and aiming at the top of the tree about 15 feet above the plate. Now my pattern at 25 feet looks like a shot gun pattern.
Major Tom
07-22-2017, 06:21
200 yards at a handgun silhoette match. 5 rams down. Won 1st place in production class using a Ruger SA in 44mag.
JB White
07-22-2017, 09:05
Not a match but made the shot in 'silhouette' fashion. Just over 200 paces at a white Styrofoam cup sitting in a shallow puddle at a sand pit. Ruger Super Single Six with the WMR cylinder installed. First shot just low. (Thought it was a hit at first but just splashed water) Second shot just barely high. Third shot I nailed it.
Afterward I did similar using a Ruger MkII with a 10" barrel but at a slightly shorter range. Then once again at just under 200 using 44 Mags. A scoped Redhawk and a S&W 29 with iron sights.
Had much sharper vision and a steadier hand 30+ years ago.
I once could repeatedly bust clay birds while 'hip' shooting too. As time passed I began to wonder if there was any shot in my shells! :)
I was with a co worker and his wife shooting. I had my Colt Python on my hip. Just out of the blue I took a shot at a coke can about fifty yrds up on the hill side. I hit it square and it flew up in the air. I holstered the pistol as the guy said, good shot. I kind of acted like I did that all the time. The worst gun sale choice I have ever made is selling that Python. Not only did they go into the stratosphere, but it was a gun I really liked.
S.A. Boggs
07-25-2017, 10:25
I was with a co worker and his wife shooting. I had my Colt Python on my hip. Just out of the blue I took a shot at a coke can about fifty yrds up on the hill side. I hit it square and it flew up in the air. I holstered the pistol as the guy said, good shot. I kind of acted like I did that all the time. The worst gun sale choice I have ever made is selling that Python. Not only did they go into the stratosphere, but it was a gun I really liked.
40 years ago a cop buddy of mine liked my carry pistol and like a durn idiot I sold it. Been kicking myself ever since. I now have Sigmund as my "friend" and he stays right there on my shoulder.
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