View Full Version : Things you find in restaraunts
07-30-2017, 05:28
A couple years back was on my way to work and whipped into a restaurant and ordered a BLT . After ordering realized it was a biker joint , so I started walking around looking at the pictures to see if there was anybody I knew . As I was strolling around waiting on my sandwich I saw this little baggie with some white powder in the corner lying on the floor between a couple bar stools .
So I gave the guy a heads up so he didn't lose his liscense over some dumbass .
Then when on storm trouble me and couple guys came walking out of a restaurant and there on the steps laid a pretty good sized bag with some off colored crystal powder in it . We all looked at each other and kept on trucking , there was a husky looking gal standing on the deck eyeballing it and us , don't know if it was a setup or if she was debating. We left .
This evening my wife and I went to a local steakhouse. Nice place . We where eating peanuts waiting on our salad and she leans over and says "there is a needle on the floor beside you" looked down , sure enough there was a skinny syringe . So we told the waitress and she didn't seem to be surprised at all . She went and got a latex glove and disposed of it .
Another time a guy was in front of me , reached in his pocket for. Only and a bag fell out on the floor , looked like weed , I leaned over and said , hey something fell out your pocket , he looked down , snatched it up and the waitress was hollering "sir, your change" as he was beating feet out of there .
Any of you had any of this craziness in restaraunts ?
Unfortunately, drugs are everywhere in our society. Don't expect things to change anytime soon. President Trumps' wall might slow the mules down at first, but they will always find a way. I have never observed casual or careless handling of drugs, but then, it could be happening right under my nose and I'd probably never notice.
That syringe could have been used by diabetic for insulin injections. Then again, I would think a regular user of insulin would be responsible enough to safely dispose of needles and sharps rather then discarding them on the floor of a family restaurant. You never know, though.
Years ago I ordered a stack of pancakes for breakfast in what I thought was a reputable restaurant. When I got down to the last few bites, I discovered egg yolk on the plate. That was pretty disgusting. Brought it to the attention of the management in a loud enough voice for other patrons to hear and then walked out vowing to never return.
07-30-2017, 06:37
I thought about a diabetic , hopefully that's what it was , never the less , worriesome . The manager runs a tight ship , have eaten there many times and always get good service along with the fact he makes it a point to visit all the tables to ask how's the food and service and discuss other topics .
But he can't control people's carelessness . Just curious what others may have ran into .
Oyaji we were in another restaraunt 35-40 years ago and the other lineman had been a pain in the ass to the waitress , hitting on her and generally being an ass . She brought out his cheeseburger and it was served open bun , right smack in the middle was a kinky curled up hair . Rest of us cracked up laughing at him , he tried several times to get her attention , at this point she was done with him . He finally yelled HEY COME HERE ! She snapped around and said what do you want ? He said loudly , THERE IS A G.D. C$CK HAIR ON MY SANDWHICH ! She smiled like a fox and sweetly asked , can I get you another one ? We all laughed him out of the place .
I realize your situation was entirely different , just reminded me of this for some reason .
Yessireee..........don't want to piss off the people who handle your food.
S.A. Boggs
07-31-2017, 03:57
The four McDonalds that are in my county are owned by a buddy of mine and the management knows this. If I see something out of place I call him on his private phone and then he calls the manager. Within minutes things are corrected! The local restaurants are pretty good @ their stuff as they know that a phone call to the board of health can get an inspection and close them down. Have had very few problems with food joints in Southern Ohio.
JB White
07-31-2017, 04:49
Odd things? Several times but the most recent was in a place in Franklin Park, IL. A lady friend and I stopped for lunch and after a while she asked me if I noticed anything out of the ordinary regarding the waitresses. After a short guessing game she told me, "Take a look. All four are wearing ankle bracelets". They were indeed. All Cook County issue.
Former Cav
08-02-2017, 11:56
walked into the kitchen by mistake looking for a rest room.
there were COCKROACHES about 3 inches LONG!!
I never went there again!
walked into the kitchen by mistake looking for a rest room.
there were COCKROACHES about 3 inches LONG!!
I never went there again!
Been there myself. My wife and I went out to eat at this one place and it looked like the walls were moving. These were the small (water bug) roaches. We left but what bothers me is the health department does not seem to care about this. We've all seen the health department's grade that I think restaurant owners are required to display. They only count off a couple of points or so for roach infestation. When you see them in the eating area you can just imagine how much worse they are in the kitchen. I never eat at a place that stays open 24 hours for this reason. If they can't ever close they can never exterminate. There's no telling how many illegal's work and hide in restaurant kitchens too.
08-02-2017, 04:47
Yep have seen the roaches too . The other thing that bugs me about them is if they get in your clothes , wife's purse , you can end up with them in your house . Got them once from buying a used refrigerator . Holy crap ! What a pain in the arse to get rid of . Another thing is the cook walks out into the restaraunt and the apron looks like they have worn it for a year .
An acquaintance of my daughter was working in a unit of a strip mall next to a Chinese buffet and had to go next door into their kitchen to check something out in the common wall. They were cutting up chickens on the tile floor and scooping the parts up with an aluminum shovel. Maybe they wash them before cooking, maybe not. I don't eat there.
08-02-2017, 05:48
Another thing that has happened twice , both times the same restaraunt chain , two different cities . Breakfast with a strong taste of dirty dish water . You talk about some nasty belches .
Paul Harvey had the solution and IIRC it was called Roach Proof. It was simply boric acid ground to a very fine dust with a light blue hue. My grand mother had a huge number of cock roaches all over her house. We put the boric acid in her cabinets, behind the kitchen stove, the refrigerator, along the base boards, in her closets, her dresser, and her chest of drawers. It only took a couple of days and we were seeing sick blue cockroaches everywhere... a couple of days later, all of them were either dead or dying.
I haven't even heard of roach problems for years... nor have I heard anything about Roach Proof... Yh06gA1K8Ge4jf2F_-T7YZN93SEiaSluhyRoCFqMQAvD_BwE#reviews
Boric acid was first registered in the US as an insecticide in 1948 for control of cockroaches, termites, fire ants, fleas, silverfish, and many other insects. The product is generally considered to be safe to use in household kitchens to control cockroaches and ants. It acts as a stomach poison affecting the insects' metabolism, and the dry powder is abrasive to the insects' exoskeletons. Boric acid also has the reputation as "the gift that keeps on killing" in that roaches that cross over lightly dusted areas do not die immediately, but that the effect is like shards of glass cutting them apart. This often allows a roach to go back to the nest where it soon dies. Cockroaches, being cannibalistic, eat others killed by contact or consumption of boric acid, consuming the powder trapped in the dead roach and killing them, too. The cycle continues until the boric acid has more-or-less been exhausted or the queen, herself has consumed some, killing her, which destroys the colony.
Boric acid was also used at one time to cleanse the eyes of newborn infants.
Good stuff!
I use it. Used to use Bengal spray (with boric acid), it works great but cost $12-$15 a can. I bought a cheap pump duster and a pound of boric acid on ebay and dusted with it in the places Red mentions above. The residue is mostly invisible. If a roach enters my house from under the door or such it WILL die. There's no excuse for restaurants to not use it---there's ample spots it can be used where roaches will touch it but food doesn't.
08-02-2017, 09:42
I guess it's been 6-7 years and a bunch of foggers ago that I had this problem , which I had known about boric acid then . Will certainly remember it though .
Only a year ago we were in a local sub shop and sat down to eat , when I spotted one then another , looked at my wife and said lets get the hell out of here . Wife told management , haven't been back since .
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