View Full Version : Forster Benchrest dies

Matt Anthony
08-19-2017, 03:41
Have used standard RCBS 243 dies since I bought my first 243 back in the sixties. I have always been frustrated with run-out after seating bullets. I purchased the Hornady concentricy set up when it came out and that solved my run-out issues. It is another step which does take time.
I have a customer who is a shooter and was getting rid of his 243 tools so I bought it all. Included was a Forster benchrest micrometer seating die and the benchrest neck sizer.
I followed the set-up instructions and prepped and loaded 50 rounds of 243. I then checked them on the Hornady concentricy guage and was shocked. If not zero all were well under .001. Needless to say I am sold on Forster. I still load 222 Rem. And use the Wilson dies which produce similar results. The standard RCBS dies are just not in the same league!

08-20-2017, 03:54
excellent dies, been using a set for 223 for a good while,
no issues, no drama with them

08-22-2017, 08:01
All the new dies I buy are Forster full length benchrest dies because they greatly reduce neck runout

I bought the Forster expander and spindle assemblies for all my RCBS dies and the high mounted floating expanders greatly reduce neck runout.

The neck of the case is held and centered in the neck of the die when the expander enters the case neck. The unique Forster expander design prevents the expander from pulling the case neck off center and inducing neck runout.


Below on the left a .223 RCBS expander raised as high as it will go and on the right a replacement Forster expander and spindle assembly that fits my RCBS dies.


Below a modified Forster expander and spindle assembly for my Redding .243 full length die.
