View Full Version : Solar Eclipse - Do you care?
Ken The Kanuck
08-19-2017, 06:45
Me, not much. If I remember I might look at it.
How about you?
08-19-2017, 07:01
Meh. Me neither and dont look at it. Can cause eye damage.
I would rather see a tsunami but considering all of the safety requirements it would have to meet, no danger to me, others and no property damage. The chance is about zero.
not overly interested, nor concerned.
08-19-2017, 07:08
It's like a well advertised HollyWeird BlockBuster that looks great in the previews but puts you to sleep in a couple of minutes ,
it's anticlimactic in spades. Your left thinking "Is that all there is?"
Give me a clear night sky & a good meteor shower anytime.
08-19-2017, 07:44
JB White
08-19-2017, 08:03
I might glance at it just to say I saw it. Can't be any worse in damage than turning a corner and having the sun in your eyes. Of course then you react and turn away. Have to remember to do that with an eclipse.
08-19-2017, 08:15
Nope don't care either.
Ken The Kanuck
08-19-2017, 08:22
Meh. Me neither and dont look at it. Can cause eye damage.
I would rather see a tsunami but considering all of the safety requirements it would have to meet, no danger to me, others and no property damage. The chance is about zero.
I'll put on a welding helmet with a #10 shade.
While driving around our nations capital I noticed that all of the roadside announcement signs are reminding motorists that there is an eclipse on Monday and that- PARKING IS NOT ALLOWED ON INTERSTATE HIGHWAYS. I wouldn't have thought the reminder necessary, but having experience with driving in the D.C. area I understand the need. The problem I see is that since the signs are in english, about 90% of those seeing the signs can't understand them.
I'm old enough that I've seen partial eclipses. It's kind of cool to see the weird shadows on the ground(better than looking at the thing). I don't think D.C. is in the path. It's going through FL. I like night time photo shoots. I dig meteors. I saw one while out camping that was awesome. I just missed seeing this one; I was up a 4:00 a.m. but wasn't outside. It was estimated to be 10 ft' across. The high alt. wind twisted the contrail. Kind of like the Vandenberg missiles. The second pic is one I captured a year ago. It's not a big deal, but it was a big deal to me. The eclipse is a big deal not because it's a lucky shot or anything. Likely astronomers have figured out the next fifty of them into the year 15050, but it's a reminder that big things move around in our neighborhood and I hope some six year old remembers it.
S.A. Boggs
08-20-2017, 03:31
No, I'm in the center of it, Clarendon county sc and could care less.
Johnny P
08-20-2017, 05:55
An event that doesn't happen very often, and I will certainly observe it. Rather watch that than a hockey game.
Vern Humphrey
08-20-2017, 06:11
I saw a total eclipse in '54 in Peru. I was going to school, and the Christian Brothers, who ran the school had set up a device like a reverse telescope -- if focused the sun an a sheet of cardboard, and you could watch the eclipse that way.
Dick Hosmer
08-20-2017, 07:39
Like most of us, I've seen several partial eclipses, but it would be nice to be able to see the corona effect live. But, for a number of reasons, that is not going to happen.
Won't matter here. Supposed to be raining. Again. Wont matter if you're inside working either.
"...don't think D.C. is in the path..." Nope. Nowhere near either. SC.
I'll be glad when it is over--tired of hearing about it.
08-20-2017, 09:56
I'm old enough that I've seen partial eclipses. It's kind of cool to see the weird shadows on the ground(better than looking at the thing). I don't think D.C. is in the path. It's going through FL. I like night time photo shoots. I dig meteors. I saw one while out camping that was awesome. I just missed seeing this one; I was up a 4:00 a.m. but wasn't outside. It was estimated to be 10 ft' across. The high alt. wind twisted the contrail. Kind of like the Vandenberg missiles. The second pic is one I captured a year ago. It's not a big deal, but it was a big deal to me. The eclipse is a big deal not because it's a lucky shot or anything. Likely astronomers have figured out the next fifty of them into the year 15050, but it's a reminder that big things move around in our neighborhood and I hope some six year old remembers it.
You missed the annual Persieds meteor shower that peaked about a week ago ,
BUT your in luck the annual Leonids meteor shower peaks around November 17th this year
I was out for the persieds, but it sucked for me. I got the shot I posted above a year ago during the persieds. This year, no meteors(while I was out) and it was buggy and hot and I dropped a lens in the dark.
08-20-2017, 10:42
Actually, I am interested in the event itself. Neat display of nature. I could give a flying ***K about all the greed, hoopla, and BS that are generated by the media and those hoping to profit from it.
08-20-2017, 01:10
Wife and I was at the hospital when she received a email from her 16 year old niece telling her what a terrible event it was going to be and to keep ourselves and the pets inside tomorrow , I laughed and said they're in these kids heads bad aren't they ?
Heck yeah I'm going to watch it. Got two pairs of glasses for the wife and me. We'll stand in the back yard and have a good look. Grill some bratwurst and have a few beers when it's over. It will make a good day.
I enjoy the night sky all through the year. Lots to see. Mans' been looking up since the beginning. I won't stop.
Great news !!!! After tomorrow we won't have to hear about another eclipse till 4/8/2024.
Major Tom
08-21-2017, 05:22
Great news !!!! After tomorrow we won't have to hear about another eclipse till 4/8/2024.
Oh yeah you will hear more! The media will work it to death for at least another week! In my location, we have heavy cloud cover which simulates an eclipse. Animals don't generally look up when it gets darker. They don't care and neither do we.
Johnny P
08-21-2017, 05:57
At least it took some of the politics off the news.
Western PA had about 70% coverage max. I thought it was cool to see since it might be the last one for a while.
Vern Humphrey
08-21-2017, 12:26
The media will blame Trump for killing the sun, and boast the Democrats brought it back to life.
I remember a partial eclipse, in the 90s I think, that had the birds singing their evening songs. That was kind of cool.
my daughter watched the partial (south east michigan) and about 230 she said the crickets started chirping which was kind of odd for her..
when i got home from work, i got the box view she made and looked at it a little bit and found it interesting...
we had taped a show on Science and they showed the totality of it with the corona, the diamond ring and the Bailey Beads. i am glad i go to see it. it is quite the phenomena...
My wife announced today at the last possible moment that she wanted to see the eclipse. The glasses have been sold out for weeks I believe and I wouldn't know where to go to get any anyway so I got out my welding helmet and cleaned it up. We looked at the sun when it was about 10%, went inside, then came out about 10 minutes later and it had gone to 80% or more. At this point you could just look up at it with no protection, but not stare at it long. Then came a biga$$ black cloud, perhaps the same one that has come EVERY day for the past 7 months. This killed everything---no more sun for the rest of the day. Who needs an eclipse? I wonder how many people took time off of work, traveled for hours, fought the crowds and traffic and got an overcast sky.
Dan in NH
08-21-2017, 04:14
Not watching this one. Saw the one in 1979. Seen one, you've seen them all.
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