View Full Version : Ethics of a teen hunter taking an Elk @ 1300+ yards?
08-22-2017, 11:12
Nice to know of his abilitiy but dos this come under thrill of the chase and selecting an animal and placing a decent shot???
If more info in know, please share?.
to me at that distance, its more shooting and not hunting. ethics are individual and the "hunter" has to live with themselves if they flub the shot. there are enough hunters out there that cant make a clean kill at 50yds, so where do we judge them..?
That's plumb crazy let alone unethical. I think I know the answer but, I gotta ask......was the shot/harvest successful?
08-22-2017, 11:55
Nice to know of his abilitiy but dos this come under thrill of the chase and selecting an animal and placing a decent shot???
As much "thrill of the chase," I'd bet, as blasting a prairie dog from a portable bench-rest at the same range; however, I'd probably have done the same thing at that age IF someone had set me up in the right place with the right eqpt. Hope the boy finds a mentor who'll expose him to different values.
That's plumb crazy let alone unethical. I think I know the answer but, I gotta ask......was the shot/harvest successful?
Agree. At that distance good luck even picking up the trail let alone bringing the hunt to a successful conclusion.
Maybe it was a very, very large elk and he was shooting with a Barrett 50cal.
So we get to hear about the successful shot now lets hear about all of the unsuccessful shots that ended up with unrecovered wounded animals by him and his group.
08-22-2017, 08:12
Even the highly vaunted 6.5 Creedmore drops over 40ft at 1300yds and lets not even mention the wind.
There's entirely too many variables to insure a clean kill and like Sako said How many elk were wounded and lost?
The shot was taken by a 12 year old boy with a 7 mag , they even made a video for Youtube
which will only cause more wounded elk as the monkeys see and try to better.
Just because something is possible doesn't mean you should do it.
08-23-2017, 03:13
watched the video. in my opinion it was too far for an ethical shot with any caliber. the only time you take a shot like that is if you have to.
Darreld Walton
08-23-2017, 04:17
Kid's dad, grampa and uncles, maybe even brothers, need a good, swift kick to the nards for teaching this kid that it's okay to do such things. If ya gotta hit something that far out, then for hell's sakes, put up a target. That ain't hunting. It's a stunt.
08-23-2017, 07:17
Now that he's become a YouTube celebrity, this kid is no doubt devouring the comments his video is receiving. Therefor, do the kid a favor by adding a comment, as I just did, on the ethical issues involved. (I'm Clarence.)
08-23-2017, 07:24
Seen a few elk killed. 50 yards is a long shot for some folks. 1300 is irresponsible.
"...Elk at 1300+ yards..." There is no hunting cartridge that has sufficient energy at 1300 plus yards for a shot to be even remotely ethical. Regardless of the shooter's age. A hunter he is not.
08-25-2017, 07:07
looks something we can all agree on, across the political divide. My own thought is that anything over 350 yards is kind of iffy unless you are shooting off a bench. Where my brothers and I hunt elk, 60 yards is a long shot, anyway.
A Canadian just took out a bad guy at about two miles with a .50. Lucky shot? Maybe, but there is a lot of training and some great software. And it was just a human in the mid-east.
The dad seems to know what he's doing. Good equipment used. The kid seems intent. Still, he's just a pawn of his dads ego. I'm putting in all the positives I can, but still I wouldn't want to have to hike that far to clean the animal. It's hunting abuse.
09-01-2017, 09:12
Shoot as far as you are capable. The greater the distance, the longer the walk to your kill. A young kid may have the energy to go 1300 yards to drag back his kill. Me? Not so much.
Griff Murphey
09-03-2017, 08:47
When I was beginning hunting it was with an M-1 match rifle. The first deer I ever killed ran across the road in front of me and I shot him at about 75 yards. Later on I tried, at least twice, a couple of west Texas across-the-canyon M-1 rifle iron sight 350 yard shots and, although I connected, it wasn't pretty. I moved to scope sighted with a sported A3 and had good results keeping my shots around 200 yards. In my younger years many of my 200 yard shots were offhand. Nowadays i shoot from a dead rest, mostly 80 yards, stupid short range really but that is the setup I bought when I moved to my new lease. Before that, on my least from 1967-2001, we mainly shot while driving -.very popular in West Texas. British hurting ethics be damned.
I suspect a top dollar scope, top dollar rifle, and a lot of schooling are involved but I don't think I've ever been as proud of any of it done with dead rest shots as I have been of some of those offhand ones.
09-03-2017, 10:02
I am not a sniper-nor a hunter, nor do I play one on the Web. I note that all a sniper really has to do is take an enemy out of the fight.
Geeze, I don't know. Maybe in open country following even the merest blood trail on a running animal is no trouble. Up here in Paul Bunyan country it's a different story. We really stress shot placement. Practical and ethical reasons both.
Obviously, the animal did not go down right away. How long do you believe this beautiful animal suffered while they made their way over to him. I've done my share of mountain hiking, and it takes quite awhile to get from one peak to another.
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