View Full Version : Has anyone bought/used....
JB White
08-27-2017, 12:40
Has anyone bought/used the latest "Hercules" 20V Drill-Driver from Harbor Freight yet?
The online so-called reviews are purely speculation as most have only looked at them in the stores. One fellow did a comparison to DeWalt on YouTube, but he didn't actually WORK with it.
I'm in the market for a new battery drill as my old, old Porter-Cables are finally going. Batteries are NG and replacements can be had for *just* $80+ each depending upon where one searches. Even the refurbished batteries are not exactly affordable as two pairs cost more than the drill motors did originally.
As of now I'm coaxing the last 14.4v along with what's left of a finicky 12v just to keep at least one drill motor running. The 12v won't accept the 14.4 battery even though the drill motor itself is in better condition.
The reviews (sales hype and hyperbole) make the Herc look pretty darned good. Price point is within reason. Batteries are only $30 per and the kit is on sale for a $99 introductory offer. One drill motor with case and charger...and THREE batteries for $160.
If it can do the work I'm fine with all that. So, has anyone put one to the test?
PS. I've worked over the years with nearly every major brand name drill out there. Even did field testing for two major brands. I know what I like and what I don't. So please, please don't try to sell me on your favorite? I don't care what others like Ryobi, Hitachi, Bosch, Milwaukee, Makita...yadda yadda yadda have to offer. I have my choices in mind. All I need to know is if the Herc is the better bang for the buck.
Thanks :)
08-27-2017, 01:14
I'm still working with the tools every day on the job... believe it or not I've found Ryobi from Home Depot to be the best bang for the buck. Been using my latest 18 volt hard for for the past 4 years and its still going strong with the original 2 batteries ... and I've owned them all .
in fact... I have another Ryobi drill I purchased 15 years ago. I removed the handle from my RCBS case trimer and chucked the drill onto it .... still working just fine.
Sorry you didn't want to hear that but frankly..... everything I've ever purchased at Harbor Freight has been a total bummer
You're probably trading out of box performance for durability. Only you know if that matters.
Looks like a good deal and if it's're not out that much money.
I'd say it worth the gamble, JB. Are they available in the Harbor Freight Stores or must it be ordered on-line? If available at the HF store, then you can probably take another 20% off of the listed price with a coupon that's always available in their ad flyers.
Many years ago I had a Skill cordless drill. I loved it and wore out the batteries. Guess what? Skill had discontinued the drill and stopped making the batteries. Had the same problem with B&D and Craftsman drills. The next time I needed a drill I bought a Makita. While not a Makita fan I did so because I knew I could always find batteries. This drill is 25 years old now and I bought 2 new batteries recently. I also have an 18v Dewalt which is now obsolete due to the 20v lithium models but I will probably always be able to find the 18v's for it. Now, who has ever heard of Hercules and will HF even be selling this drill in 2-3 years much less the batteries? Even if the batts interchanged with the famous makes (which if they did they would be broadcasting it) where would you find other parts? I have burned out several triggers using cordless drills in my previous jobs. Not trying to sell you on Dewalt but I'm well pleased with mine and would gladly pay the difference.
some of the harbor freight junk is useable for ordinary tasks, but id not bet my money on their cordless power tools.
JB White
08-28-2017, 01:57
Sandpebble, I guarantee your batteries aren't the new lithium batteries everybody is now selling. I too have had good drills and chargers go down because the batteries hit their cycle limit and were obsolete/unavailable. I'm there again right now.
Togor, they are claiming comparable performance to big name tools. In fact they (HF) are taking them head on with their new target market. This one in particular is aimed at DeWalt. Another brand they offer is going at Snap-On. These aren't the same limited usage tools they built the business on.
Oyaji, that's what I'm looking at and the price point is enticing enough to feel as though it's worth the chance. Especially with a trio of lithium batteries.
Allen, if you had the 12v Skil Top Gun...that was indeed a performer! Went through a couple of triggers and a clutch myself but Skil kept right on rebuilding it. Each time it came back with a new Jacobs chuck and another new battery. Bosch killed it when they acquired Skil.
I've used Makitas and Dewalts. In the late 70's and early 80's Makita had the best thing going in cordless drills. The company owned Milwaukees were tossed in the corner for lack of torque and short run time. Others were mostly high RPM/low torque and couldn't take a hard days work. When DeWalt went from being strictly industrial to catering to the homeowner market (B&D used the name for their better tools) they were OK, but I could wreck a drill in under a year. Batteries....there again they all changed their batteries and the cost of those things made it impractical to not buy another entire kit. I did like the Dewalt as I owned one after I relegated my Top Gun to home use.
Leftyo, if this was just another HF cordless like their other ones, I wouldn't be asking. In fact, I'm asking because of their reputation. I wouldn't have given this drill a second look if it didn't look as though they might finally have something going on.
you seem convinced its a superior product, so why are you asking us. just go buy it.
Enter the Chinese conundrum:
I hate giving the Chinese any of my money. That said, I can go to Home Depot or Lowe's and buy any power tool and find it is assembled in Mexico, Malaysia, Singapore or if lucky USA. I have found sawblades made in the USA, but most is made not-USA. Then there is the higher price paid for trade names, Skil, DeWalt, etc.
When I need a new tool, I need it right now. As much as I hate doing it, I find myself going to Harbor Freight and paying 1/3rd to 1/2 less for the tool. If it craps out (which it really never does) after its use, I'm still ahead.
I would love to see the American tool makers come back with a vengenge, but as long as they have their parts manufactured not-USA, I don't see it happening.
Thus the conundrum; less expensive and maybe not as durable overseas goods, or more expensive and maybe still not as durable goods "made in the USA", with a portion of the purchase cost still going overseas.
Batteries Plus can rebuild / re-cell batteries for many tools. Other large battery outlets probably will do the same. If you can solder, replacing the cells is very easy.
I'd go back to a corded tool befre i ever buy another battery tool from Harbor Freight. Not a Hercules, but the one i got was a real POS
on another note, these batteries CAN often be brought back to life, the stuff I read said deep freeze, give it a sharp whack, and then full charge and full discharge a couple times..
The attached article explains the science behind it..
It costs NOTHING, so what do you have to lose?
JB White
08-28-2017, 04:01
you seem convinced its a superior product, so why are you asking us. just go buy it.
Don't put words in my mouth. I suspect it may be a decent product. I'm not convinced it's superior. Convinced and superior are your words, not mine. Why am I asking the board? I asked if anyone has used one. Perhaps someone knows more than I do. So far nobody has been able to say either way which is where I'm at myself. I'm patient and I've got the time.
GWP....There is a Batteries Plus not very far from home. I should stop by for a quote. Thanks much for that lead as it sounds pretty good.
PWC...Many power tools are now only assembled in the USA. The components are contracted from China and your list of players. My Snap-On pressure washer is made in China. Can't win sometimes.
PaFrank...I tried the freezer, the light bulb with leads to drain it 100% and recharge, but got caught while running in a circle around them at midnight with smoldering chicken feathers. Being painted blue wasn't so bad, but the nudity almost got me in trouble. :)
I've never had any cordless tools from HF at all, but I heard bad things about those low end tools from folks like you who actually used them....for a little while.
08-28-2017, 05:36
I used Harbor Freight power tools. Most get the project done and then they are dead. I had a SAW SAW that made it through two projects and that was it. However I never needed one before so at least I didn't have a lot of money invested just sitting around waiting for a need.
Don't put words in my mouth. I suspect it may be a decent product. I'm not convinced it's superior. Convinced and superior are your words, not mine. Why am I asking the board? I asked if anyone has used one. Perhaps someone knows more than I do. So far nobody has been able to say either way which is where I'm at myself. I'm patient and I've got the time.
GWP....There is a Batteries Plus not very far from home. I should stop by for a quote. Thanks much for that lead as it sounds pretty good.
PWC...Many power tools are now only assembled in the USA. The components are contracted from China and your list of players. My Snap-On pressure washer is made in China. Can't win sometimes.
PaFrank...I tried the freezer, the light bulb with leads to drain it 100% and recharge, but got caught while running in a circle around them at midnight with smoldering chicken feathers. Being painted blue wasn't so bad, but the nudity almost got me in trouble. :)
I've never had any cordless tools from HF at all, but I heard bad things about those low end tools from folks like you who actually used them....for a little while.
i really didnt put words in your mouth, just seems your hell bent on buying one.
JB White
08-28-2017, 08:47
i really didnt put words in your mouth, just seems your hell bent on buying one.
I'm going to buyA drill. Yes. Had I made up my mind I wouldn't be soliciting opinions now. Would I?
I'm going to buyA drill. Yes. Had I made up my mind I wouldn't be soliciting opinions now. Would I?
i dont know. you have given plenty of reasons why you should buy the chinkanese drill, and plenty of reasons why you dont want to buy a drill of known quantity. to me it seems your looking for something, but it doesnt appear that any one elses opinion matters. just my opinion, good luck with what ever you purchase.
JB, good luck with whatever you decide to purchase. I often browse at Amazon to read reviews before buying something new. They have the drill but no reviews yet. Of course the real reviews come a couple of years down the road, not when new out of the box. This is a problem that Consumer Reports has, they test nothing for durability, just new off the shelf. At least someone besides HF is selling the Hercules.
08-30-2017, 02:50
Just my 2 cents. I looked at the Harbor Freight Drill driver price and then checked other products price and reviews. Reviews can some times be misleading due to the fact that the person giving a review could be a NUM NUT. After looking around I purchased a two tool combination Drill Driver and a Impact Driver from Porter Cable PCCK60262 20 volt Lithium batteries (2) and charger for $149.00. I know this does not answer the OP question but neither does the other post either. I do use Harbor Freight products and find that you have to use common since as to your situation. Such as how often you are going to use the tool and how much $$$$ you want to spend. I just purchased a Harbor Fright Pancake Air Compressor (3) gallon for $38.00 and tax and it weighs 18 pounds (caught it on sale) and works just fine for what I needed it for. Yes, the Porter Cable was made in China so are a multitude of other products we use. Harbor Freight, some good some bad sometimes you win and sometimes you lose and sometimes you just get rained out.
JB White
08-30-2017, 05:43
Allen and John, Thanks for the input.
Odd thing happened yesterday evening. I walked into my lodge and this same conversation was happening at the bar. "You gotta be kidding me! I asked the same things on the internet the last couple of days" Same results too. No one has actually used one yet but the sales pitch has captured a lot of attention. Some of the same prejudices regarding HF as well, but still no actual experience with the product.
During the day I stopped off and looked at the DeWalt offering again. (The one the Herc is aimed at.) Everything is close with the Herc claiming a slight edge. Then I looked at the extra batteries. DW batteries are triple in cost! Hmmm... Past experience left me wanting when the DW batteries gave up the ghost much too soon and the batteries cost more than a replacement kit. Here we go again.
So, I'm still at an impasse. Herc vs Dewalt as I juggle the price of batteries. I want spares to keep it running after they change the mounting as has happened so often in the past. Porter-Cable which has been the toughest and longest lasting brand I've had experience with...but is a totally different tool now except for the name.
BTW, I checked with Batteries Plus about rebuilding my current Porter batteries. Over $200 for the two pair, but two can't/won't be rebuilt due to cracked cases. So that means a bit over $50 each for a 14.4v and a 12v which leaves me with just one battery per drill motor. Or, abandon the 12v motor and use both on the 14.4. That buys some time but only delays the inevitable. For the same price I'm back to buying a whole new kit.
I think the marketing people have done their homework!!
John, I looked for spare PC batteries and found these aftermarket replacements on sale. Will they work with your new one?
08-30-2017, 01:49
JB, yes the batteries will work in my Porter Cable . Thanks for the heads up...
Thanks for the link gwp. I didn't know they could rebuild batteries. The El Toro (I refuse to call it Lake Forest after the yuppies voted to rename the city) is only 15 miles up the I-5 from San Calamity.
Rechargable batteries need "training" to work right. There's a system to discharging and charging.
JB White
08-31-2017, 06:12
Rechargable batteries need "training" to work right. There's a system to discharging and charging.
I used to adhere to a "training regimen" but rechargeables have changed over the years. The Ni-Cads didn't have the run-down memory to contend with and no one speaks of anything odd regarding the current crop of lithiums. If you know something I don't...please, tell me! :)
To the best of my knowledge the Ni-Cads were the only batteries that developed a memory and needed to be run down completely before re-charging but in my findings this didn't help anything. Nickel Hydride batteries supposedly didn't have the memory problem but never became very popular. I have recharged acid flashlight batteries and even changed out the electrolyte in auto batteries to try to prolong their life. Lithium batteries of course are the latest and greatest and hold up the longest taking more recharges and lasting longer between charges while being much smaller and lighter. All this being said when you have to start going to abnormal measures to revive one only for it to hold a weak charge for a short period it is time to replace it. When it's gone it's gone. My 2 cents.
I'm probably a little out of touch with battery technology. I used Ni-Cads for small toys and my early point-and-shoot camera. I had a "batter factory". I had bins for Charged, Discharged, and needs to be discharged.
In this morning's paper there is a Harbor Freight flyer listing the Hercules 20V 1/2" compact drill/driver on sale for $99.99. Using the regular 20% discount coupon in the flyer it can be had for $79.99.
There is also a SPECIAL 25% OFF coupon that can be used only on Labor Day, Monday Sep 4th meaning the drill can be purchased for a low $74.99. At that price I am thinking of buying one just for the helluva it.
I still have and regularly use my DeWalt 14V and 18V cordless drills and have had to buy replacement batteries off of Ebay or Amazon in the past to keep them running. The DeWalt 18V is my "go to" drill yet, I don't think one can go wrong buying the Hercules at the reduced price. I certainly think it is worth the gamble.
One thing about these cordless drills that always use to piss me off is that whenever I needed one, the darn battery always seemed to be run down and I would have to stop and re-charge it before doing any work. PIA!
Don't know if this has been mentioned before, but I have learned that if the battery remains in the tool when not used, it will be drained down quickly. Now whenever I am done with the tool, I always remove the battery. Next time I need the tool, I slap in the battery and go to work. No need to wait for a recharge.
In this morning's paper there is a Harbor Freight flyer listing the Hercules 20V 1/2" compact drill/driver on sale for $99.99. Using the regular 20% discount coupon in the flyer it can be had for $79.99.
I saw that flyer too but JB mentions the one he is interested in @$160 has 3 batteries instead of the one. Don't know if HF sell single 20v batts or not or what the price is.
JB White
09-03-2017, 04:43
Oyaji, from my own experience HF only honors one coupon per item. Otherwise if folks collected enough coupons they'd get things free. Speaking of free, those LED trouble lights they always give away are pretty good for a freebie. Have a pair.
Drill dilemma solved itself. I probably should've posted this sooner but I have been busy, Just stopped by to check the forum in between parties.
For my birthday I received the HF Herc drill and an extra battery. Sure seems solid enough, fast enough, and powerful enough for my liking. This morning I went over to HF and spent $19 on a 2 year unlimited replacement policy, and another $24 on a third battery using a 20% OFF coupon. So long as I get my $43 worth out of this drill I'm good as gold. :)
Since we've had such a discussion on it, I'll keep checking in with an update every so often. I plan on using this as my go-to just to run it through its paces. Wood, metal, masonry, wire wheel...whatever I can throw at it I expect it to do.
My Porter Cable drill finally let me know death was imminent the other day. Had to whack the 12v batt to get it to accept the charge (has a fast run down life now in the 14v drill motor) and the 14.4V is giving problem readings in both of the P-C chargers.
BTW, the Herc case will easily fit a pair of spare batteries, so that's three with the one on the gun. However, the third battery nicely fits into the area for accessories. So if you keep bits and tips in your drill case, you might want to just run with a pair.
Former Cav
09-04-2017, 07:10
I bought a harbor freight battery powered drill and everytime I went to use it the da*ned battery was DEAD.
I broke down and bought a SEARS drill with lithium battery and it works like a charm.!
the old saying applies "Pay Once, Cry Once"
JB White
09-05-2017, 07:54
They still sell bottom end crap tools. They make a fortune from them.
HF is now selling a high end line of pneumatic tools too. Taking on SnapOn...who has also farmed things out to China under their brand name.
JB White
12-14-2017, 09:41
UPDATE. I wanted to do this earlier but the tool hasn't had many days of hard use.
Recap: I was gifted the drill so I picked up a pair of extra batteries and bought a 2 year unconditional replacement warranty in the even of failure which includes drop damage.
I charged a pair of batteries and stuffed one, factory wrapped, into the bottom of my roller chest as a spare. The drill indeed has the advertised speed and torque. Hanging new steel on quarter panels it was used for anything requiring a drill motor including pop rivets. I repaired a fence, and handed it over said fence to let the neighbor check it out side by side to his Dewalt. Ran through a handful of deck screws and bored a few holes using a spade bit. He said aside from the color he couldn't see any real difference between mine and his. Not buying one though since his cordless system of tools is already Dewalt and the batteries, while looking very similar, don't fit. (I already knew that)
I've the used it for various tasks around the house and helping out neighbors since. Just picking it up whenever the need arose.
So far so good. It's working as claimed. However the grip feels a little small. Nothing I can't adapt to for occasional use, but if I were using it all day everyday I'd opt to wrap it for a little more "meat".
Still on battery number one! Hasn't gone dead yet. The one extra battery I charged up back in September still shows four bars/full charge. I don't think I need worry about having dead cells after sitting for a while.
The trigger felt 4 stage out of the box but smoothed out to a true variable in short order on the first day.
The light is aimed well and tapping the trigger, it stays illuminated for a few seconds to serve as a quick flashlight. Came in handy already looking for a dropped screw.
Undetermined: Need to give it a serious workout to test the workings in regard to longevity. There simply hasn't been enough time or tough chores yet. Based upon performance to date I feel fairly confident. I'd hate to have to admit a catastrophic failure but I will should it happen. I have more than a year and a half to run it through the wringer before the plan expires.
To date: Since Dewalt has dropped their indentical package to match HF's offering, about the only REAL difference is in the cost of the batteries which are most often the need for replacing the entire tool. The Herc batteries are 1/3 the cost. Hence having factory spares on hand for the future.
That's about it in a nutshell. No, I didn't make out like a bandit but I have no buyers remorse either. (Mostly because I didn't buy it! LOL)
*added* The two year full replacement plan was between $15- $20...somewhere between there. So, I added the spare batteries and the plan for a little under fifty bucks.
Glad it's working out for you. We've all been burned in the past so you can understand our concerns on our previous threads. Wish the batteries interchanged with some of the other makes.
JB White
05-25-2024, 07:46
2017 is when I started this thread. Here we are in 2024.
I bought a second one to use in tandem with the first. Although one normally stays home while the other rides in the trunk of my car.
Aside from detecting a wee bit of runout on the first one, both drill motors continue to work flawlessly. Four batteries still take a full charge and remain charged between use. They’ve built fences, installed cabinets, and everything else we expect from the tool.
While not being used on a constant daily basis, I think the test lasted long enough. They paid for themselves many times over.
Good to see you posting again.
Since the improvements of battery tools i now have chainsaws (one 20v and one 40v) a 20v pole saw, a drill of course, 1/4" and 1/2" 20v impact wrenches, a 20v leaf blower, a 20v tire inflater, 20v recip saw, 20v garden pruners, two 20v garden sprayers and I'm always looking for more new things to come out.
Everything is either Dewalt or Hart. I tried to stay with only one brand but couldn't resist "deals".
I've had a Dyson battery vacuum for years that I do not recommend and a Stanley flashlight/spotlight that I do recommend.
Anything larger than a push mower still lacks a lot to be desired though in my opinion.
Thanks for your update.
JB White
06-19-2024, 04:13
Thanks. I check in at times but not logged in.
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