View Full Version : Odd Triggerguard
Has anyone ever seen a milled M1 trigger guard that did not have the hole or metal protrusion for the hole at the rear of the trigger guard ?
Saw one the other day, no drawing numbers, but it did have the bullseye on the outside edge of the right front leg like those found on early Springfield and WRA milled guards.
yes, not sure what you mean by the bullseye.. are you talking about concentric rings about the locking lug? The early model shop trigger guards do not have the disassembly hole and I don't believe they have a drawing number. Normally, I think people refer to the concentric grasping rings around the early disassembly hole as a bullseye but I'm not that familiar with these parts and have only seen a few. Cool find, is it for sale?
Yes, That's what I'm talking about. I'll ask owner if he wants to sell it. What do you think it is worth????
On early trigger guards on the front right leg there seems to be a circle with a punch mark right in the center. It corresponds to the inner pivot pin.
Early stamped ones had a milled hook. Sure it isn't one of those?
Johnny P
09-10-2017, 07:27
They say a picture is worth a thousand words.
Positive that it is milled. You can see the grinding marks just like on the early -1 trigger guards. I'll see if I can get the owner to bring it by for pictures.
Attached are pics along with a WRA milled tg for comparison
Unfortunately it is not a modelshop guard. It looks as if someone modified a milled guard by removing the rear portion . Not sure why unless they were trying to fabricate a modelshop guard . Too bad, I can use one. They are very valueable.
Ted Brown
09-21-2017, 11:18
Back in the 60's it was popular to modify Garands into "Sporter" rifles and it usually included a similar modification to the trigger guard.
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