View Full Version : Looking for a "modern" 9mm pistol
Rick the Librarian
09-08-2017, 06:02
I have the hankering for a "modern" 9mm pistol. Two I'm looking at are the CZ75 and the Smith & Wesson M&P, both in 9mm. Any opinions on either or both?
Any other suggestions? I admit I don't like the Glock - I tried one and I didn't like the feel.
I'm not looking to spend the money that requires a second mortgage, either. Maybe the $400-600 range.
Thanks in advance!
Try a Ruger SR9, $489; Springfield XDE or XDS $509 ( at our store, local prices may be different ) The Walther PPQ is a nice one also. It is $629, but Walther has a $100 mail in rebate until 9/15.
Rick the Librarian
09-08-2017, 07:34
I'll have to take a look - I admit "ergonomics" is a big factor for me.
The CZ75 is still one of the best combat handguns going. Then there is the tried and true Browning Hi-Power. The last one is one of my favorites and that is the older S&W 5906. All stainless steel, accurate and will feed anything that fits in a 9mm case even a fired case from the magazine. I do like all steel pistols and not the plastic ones in vogue today. They just don't feel right to me.
Have you considered a 40cal over the 9mm? They're more powerful, what law enforcement and most other people are switching to and there is a much better variety of pistols to chose from.
The CZ75 is still one of the best combat handguns going. Then there is the tried and true Browning Hi-Power. The last one is one of my favorites and that is the older S&W 5906. All stainless steel, accurate and will feed anything that fits in a 9mm case even a fired case from the magazine. I do like all steel pistols and not the plastic ones in vogue today. They just don't feel right to me.
+1 on the CZ 75. It is truly a modern pistol for a traditionalist. All steel and extremely well made. A bit beefy for a 9mm but it also can be had in .40 S&W. The pistols give you the option of long trigger pull first shot double action or cocked and locked carry. The only fly in the ointment is the classic CZ 75 doesn't have a de-cocker. The prices are very reasonable and I think they still come with two extra magazines (don't quote me on that though.) The price is astonishingly reasonable for the quality of the weapon.
I realy like the CZ pistols and the clones. I purchased my first CZ 75 .40 S&W in 1999. I realy like SIG pistols and I purchased a Browning DBA .45 (SIG P220) in 1980, but they became a little too expensive. I purchased more SIGs when I found them for a realy good price. The SIG CPO (Certified Pre Owned) inspected and refinished by SIG is a good value.
The CZ pistols fit my hand very well and they are very accurate. I was disappointed with the test targets included with the CZs until I found they were shot as a function test, not for absolute accuracy. There are many CZ clones available. I like the steel frame Canik and Sarsilmaz pistols manufactured in Turkey.
The CZ pistols are a little more expensive than the clones but they are better supported by aftermarket suppliers. If you are looking for a special CZ check with:
"...a "modern" 9mm pistol..." What's your definition of 'modern'?
When the CZ first came here(35 plus years ago), every one of 'em had a factory test target in the box. None of 'em grouped over 2". Don't recall at what distance. Only issue with 'em is the size. They do not fit normal sized hands. Trigger's too far forward. Isn't exactly 'modern' anyway, being a sort of BHP clone. Would have bought one in a heart beat except for the size thing.
The only pistol Smith makes right is the Model 41 and it's picky about ammo.
Former Cav
09-08-2017, 10:54
I bought an EAA K2P or some such thing. 3.3 barrel plastic frame and holds 17 rounds of 9 mike mike
IT shoots okay, is light weight, was cheap enough something like $269
Sights are adjustable, although a little too small for my old eyes. take down is easy for cleaning.
IF you LIKE a 9, there is not much "to NOT LIKE" on this weapon.
I bought it at cdnninvestmetnts dot com
I know the sportsmans guide has them on sale frequently also.
Goood luck.
If you live in Phoenix metro, I will let you shoot it.
I personally prefer a 45 and don't know why I bought it.
my CCW is a double stack 1911 plastic Kimber polymer target that holds 14 + 1 of glorious 45 acp!
"...a "modern" 9mm pistol..." What's your definition of 'modern'?
When the CZ first came here(35 plus years ago), every one of 'em had a factory test target in the box. None of 'em grouped over 2". Don't recall at what distance. Only issue with 'em is the size. They do not fit normal sized hands. Trigger's too far forward. Isn't exactly 'modern' anyway, being a sort of BHP clone. Would have bought one in a heart beat except for the size thing.
The only pistol Smith makes right is the Model 41 and it's picky about ammo.
I figure "modern" to mean post WWII and especially post 1960 pistols, emphasizing the high capacity models. Of course opinions on that will vary. I suppose some would consider any all steel pistol that isn't striker fired "old school."
I'd never suggest anyone buy a pistol without handling it. I don't have huge hands but the CZ 75 fits mine fine. Jeff Cooper, after handling one said that he thought it was the best pistol in the world except that it wasn't a .45. I do find the reach for the trigger a bit long in double action but have that problem with a lot of double action autos. If I actually owned one I'd carry it "cocked and locked." I've shot our son's CZ 85 (stainless '75) many times and did enjoy it. It's accurate and very controllable for me. My only issue is that like the Beretta 92, it's a bit of an oversized platform for 9mm.
I would suggest, if one of these is your choice, to buy CZ and not a clone. Customer support is better and you are getting the original.
Sooo, Rick--let us know what you pick.
S.A. Boggs
09-08-2017, 01:37
Right now AIM has Sig police turn in [40 smith]for less then $500 and mags at $15.00
09-08-2017, 03:22
Rick - What will the pistol be used for? Concealed carry, target shooting, home protection, hunting? Makes a difference. What are your criteria and preferences? You mentioned ergonomics, what about weight? What about mag capacity, SA/DA, hammer fired/striker fired, decocker, sights, rail, etc? Answering these questions will all help you narrow the field. I personally won't buy a new firearm (or anything else if I can help it) that isn't manufactured in the USA, but that's just a quirk of mine.
I've read that many law enforcement agencies have become disenchanted with the .40 S&W and are returning to 9mm. Anyone else heard this?
In Minnesota about 5 years ago a lot of the sheriff's dept.'s and police dept.'s were trading in there glock22's for glock17's. I picked up a couple of glock 22's with night sights and 3 mags for around 400 dollars.
09-08-2017, 04:51
The Browning HP was pretty "modern" when it was introduced in 1935, as was the P-38 a few years later.
I recommend a CZ with their Kadet 22 conversion unit.
Rick the CZ 75 has been commented on here heavily so I will add you can't go wrong with one. I just did a T and E on a Smith and Wesson 2.0 along with several other stricker fired guns. I really liked the grip angle on the 2.0. The trigger was much better than the last M and P I tried several years ago. I shot one of my better targets at the 25 yard line with it. I think it's a good pistol and would buy one. I like the steel body magazines over the all polymer.
Good luck in your purchase.
I remember picking up a Browning and a CZ-75 on a dealers table at the gunshow. I didn't know anything about either(well, just a little history about the Browning). The Czeck pistol fit my hand like a glove.
Rick - What will the pistol be used for? Concealed carry, target shooting, home protection, hunting? Makes a difference. What are your criteria and preferences? You mentioned ergonomics, what about weight? What about mag capacity, SA/DA, hammer fired/striker fired, decocker, sights, rail, etc? Answering these questions will all help you narrow the field. I personally won't buy a new firearm (or anything else if I can help it) that isn't manufactured in the USA, but that's just a quirk of mine.
I've read that many law enforcement agencies have become disenchanted with the .40 S&W and are returning to 9mm. Anyone else heard this?
Excellent question. Related to that is what will the pistol be fed. A lot to not like about the Glocks but they will cycle just about anything from +P HP duty ammo to underpowered Russian steel case without complaint.
09-09-2017, 06:03
I have the hankering for a "modern" 9mm pistol. Two I'm looking at are the CZ75 and the Smith & Wesson M&P, both in 9mm. Any opinions on either or both?
Any other suggestions? I admit I don't like the Glock - I tried one and I didn't like the feel.
I'm not looking to spend the money that requires a second mortgage, either. Maybe the $400-600 range.
Thanks in advance!
My brother likes his S&W Shield a lot.
S.A. Boggs
09-09-2017, 06:16
When I went to replace my Rem-Rand I choose the Springfield 1911 and ended up giving that one to my Daughter Samantha. I went looking for a replacement but handguns as well as other PDW's were in short supply, When the Glock's first came out I had a police friend who had a supply house and he loaned me one in 9 the other in .45 I put many rounds them over a month and didn't like them. Accuracy was acceptable, brass was scrap and the takedown was slow. I picked up a Sig P-220 and feel that Sig is the way to go...expensive but how much is my hide worth? I got a deal on mine and now would have to pay a great deal more to replace it. I like the 1911 but feel the Sig to go.
Rick the Librarian
09-09-2017, 06:58
Yes, by a "modern" pistol, I mean say, post 1990. I do have an Inglis HP, the Canadian knock-off of the Browning HP, but it is more-or-less a "collector", although it gets shot from time to time. I have a Star BM (the compact 9mm) but I'd like something a little more up to date and with more ammo capacity (plus the instruction and take down manual in English! :) )
I'm leaning towards the CZ75. I'm not about a compact of some sort, as well. I almost bought a CZ75, way back when, when I bought my first pistol, back in 1999 - but the Inglis showed up for the same price ...then I discovered .45s! LOL!
Well if your thinking of a new Hi-Power then you had better hurry. The last shipment of Browning Hi-Powers was sent to the US in March of this year. It is the LAST shipment as they have stopped production of the Hi-Power. The machinery has worn out according to FN and they are not going to replace it. So the Hi-Power made by FN has come to the end of the road. I agree with you Rick that the Inglis has become more of a collectors item but it is still my go to firearm if needed in the middle of the night.
id go handle as many as you can get your hands on. what i like, and what works best for me is not necessarily what your going to be happy with. ask just about anyone what they think is best, and they will answer the one they own as most only own 1 or 2 , and have never tried many others, so of course theirs is the best.
Rick the Librarian
09-09-2017, 09:16
Not really interested in a Browning HP - like to try a "modern" 9mm.
There was one guy who had CZ75 - Israeli surplus - for $359 - about 70% condition. Almost pulled the trigger on one of those.
I agree, handling some would probably be a good idea first. Going to a large gunshow the end of next month and I might do that.
The Israeli CZ 75 and CZ 75B (firing pin block) have been imported for a few years, I purchased a CZ 75 from Aim Surplus and I was sent a slightly used parkerized pistol. I payed extra for a best of five pistol. Most of the Israeli pistols have a chipped paint finish. The 75B has better sights but many consider the transitional CZ 75 to be the best because of the better sights and it retains the round trigger guard.
Bud's Gun Shop has a few surplus CZs and the pictures indicate the condition of the finish. z75b+9mm+15%2B1+
Rick, FYI... The LEO's across the country are getting rid of the .40 cals. and going back to 9MM's. There are a lot of used .40's out there and they are cheap. I tried to trade a H&K USP .40 (once a $750 gun), for a $400 S&W at the local gun shop and they were not a bit interested. I had a well used Belgium Hi Power and they swapped even for a NIB S&W 838.
I like both the CZ-75 and the S&W MP's.
Rick, FYI... The LEO's across the country are getting rid of the .40 cals. and going back to 9MM's. There are a lot of used .40's out there and they are cheap. I tried to trade a H&K USP .40 (once a $750 gun), for a $400 S&W at the local gun shop and they were not a bit interested. I had a well used Belgium Hi Power and they swapped even for a NIB S&W 838.
I like both the CZ-75 and the S&W MP's.
I suggested the 40cal as well but didn't find out till later that Rick already has a couple of 9mm's. He probably doesn't want another caliber so close in size. I know it can be a real pain when you are reloading. I have 40's and 45's. I wish I had stuck with one or the other now.
S.A. Boggs
09-09-2017, 11:43
id go handle as many as you can get your hands on. what i like, and what works best for me is not necessarily what your going to be happy with. ask just about anyone what they think is best, and they will answer the one they own as most only own 1 or 2 , and have never tried many others, so of course theirs is the best.
Good point!
Rick the Librarian
09-09-2017, 02:03
OK, let's change the question slightly ...
A CZ75 Compact vs. a S&W M&P Compact - both in 9mm (No, not interested in a .40 caliber).
Which is the best one?
Having had negative experience with two pistols from the Smith & Wesson M&P line, I think I would go for the CZ 75 Compact. I like the looks, construction, ergonomics, heft, feel, and most of all, the reliability of the CZ product line.
Here's an interesting and informative review of the CZ-75 Compact found on
OK, let's change the question slightly ...
A CZ75 Compact vs. a S&W M&P Compact - both in 9mm (No, not interested in a .40 caliber).
Which is the best one?
I have several CZ P1s and they are great pistols. My son in law has a CZ 75 D PCR that he realy likes. The PCR is an aluminum framed CZ 75 Compact with a decocker rather than the standard safety. The P1 has an accessory rail where the other two do not.
I purchased a S&W Shield for my daughter because she liked it. I thought it was OK but I prefer the SIG and CZ pistols.
Clark Howard
09-09-2017, 02:59
My friend who shoots in IPSC matches has had continuing glitches with his S&W. I like my Sig 239. Regards, Clark
Rick the Librarian
09-09-2017, 03:28
I think I'm starting to lean towards the CZ75 compact in 9mm with the CZ75 full-size as an alternate.
S.A. Boggs
09-09-2017, 04:13
I think I'm starting to lean towards the CZ75 compact in 9mm with the CZ75 full-size as an alternate.2
Another important question to ask is mags available and how much. I got my P220 factory mags with my pdw for $10.00 each, I bought 5 extra.
Another important question to ask is mags available and how much. I got my P220 factory mags with my pdw for $10.00 each, I bought 5 extra.
Mec-Gar magazines are <$20 and I believe they manufacture CZ magazines.
If your going compact CZ75...IMO
09-09-2017, 09:10
Another consideration, a 1911 Colt Combat Commander in 9 mm. It is an in between compact and full size 1911. I find mine to be an excellent purchase, handles well, very accurate and just the right weight. If you find one at one of the shows, try it out and see how it feels in you hand. I prefer it over my Springfield XD 9mm Service Pistol.
Rick the Librarian
09-16-2017, 11:18
Just to "close this thread up" ... ordered a CZ 75 B full-size 9mm. Paperwork Mon. and the usual 5- to 10-day waiting period.
Thanks, everyone, for your input.
I just picked up a Beretta 92S from Bud's guns. $300 Italian Police trade in.. Ad says they are 70-80% guns but mine (just picked it up yesterday) is 90%+ Very clean, very little wear. The only complaint is the sights suck. I'll replace them at some point down the road....
I think you made a wise decision Rick. Good luck with your CZ-75. I think you will enjoy it.
S.A. Boggs
09-17-2017, 03:48
Unless you cast and reload a pistol is a hard friend to keep feed. I am looking at 8,000 .45 200 grain for my friend Sigmund for next year. With a 60 pound propane fired pot and 6 gang mold I can cast a lot at each session. Now sizing and lubing is another story.
excellent choice,
it will serve you well
S.A. Boggs
09-18-2017, 06:49
Another choice would be one of the semi MP-40's that are coming in country. @ the S.O. I had access to two of them and boy are they fun! Looking to turn a semi into an SBR next year, can't afford the real thing.
Hal O'Peridol
09-18-2017, 11:43
Just to "close this thread up" ... ordered a CZ 75 B full-size 9mm. Paperwork Mon. and the usual 5- to 10-day waiting period.
Thanks, everyone, for your input.
Excellent choice. I've had a CZ-75 since 1985. I'm on my third and last one, had it since 1988. All Pre-B.
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