View Full Version : Need early Winchester advise

09-17-2017, 02:51
Last year, I picked up my 2nd M1 Carbine. An early Winchester, serial 10472xx , Jan 1943 barrel date that appears to be all original, as built in 1943.
I will post another thread shortly with some pictures of it.
Last week , I acquired another early Winchester , serial number 11100xx . It appears to be all original, with early parts and features, but it has a few issues......
The "L" marked front sight has had its "ear's" cut off flush, with the sight base.
The type 1 front band has released,(separates) at it's spot welds, and is missing its original swivel.
Lastly , the "I" cut high wood stock has had all stampings and cartouche' removed and is coated with a "tru oil" type finish.
Any advise on where to purchase a correct Winchester front sight , and the proper swivel ? Lastly , where could I send it to get the stock restored ? I would like to ask folks on the board their thoughts on getting the cartouche's restored (re stamped) on this stock as well. Any advise or input is appreciated, Thanks !