View Full Version : CROOKS at Experian
Former Cav
09-21-2017, 10:39
of course they been "hacked"
of course my wife and my records are "at risk" EVEN THOUGH I had my credit FROZEN because the VA, DOD, US ARmy and I don't know who all else had "LOST computers"
Interesting that NO ONE is responsible for anything.
So now, the CROOKS at Experian wanted 49 bucks to monitor my credit and wanted a "NO LAWSUIT commitment"
They later dropped the "NO LAWSUIT" clause.
Now they had a deal where they would SCAN my email. Well they scanned and OF COURSE I am "out there in the dark web" on only ONE occasion thankfully. OF course they WON'T tell me where and they ONLY want 9.95 a MONTH to monitor it.
I've been trying to get through to lifelock ever since this horsepucky hit but have been unable to both online and on the phone.
SO, today I managed to sign up on IDSHIELD. They charge only $19.95 a month for FAMILY coverage and have a 5 million dollar deal vs 1 million for lifelock.
We shall see.
I wonder when all these ID outfits are going to get hacked too!
As far as I am concerned, I think EXPERIAN should be PUT OUT OF BUSINESS and their execs LOCKED UP.
The da*ned banks and insurance companies and CC outfits create a lot of issues too. NOBODY is held responsible except for us "WORKING CHUMPS" who pay our bills and live within our means!!
It would NOT surprise me if experian SOLD our information!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
SICK of these outfits and the so called legal system that has proven to be a JOKE especially since the last election. (as in Sessions is NOT doing his job. Might as well be eric holder in there !!)
Former Cav
09-22-2017, 06:48
gee whiz, NO comments.
Am I the only one that got all their data "turned loose"?
Marty T.
09-22-2017, 07:00
Haven't from them, but have had our ID's "compromised" and had to do all the credit card and debit card etc. cancel and changes. It's aggravating. But I do know from talking with someone that used to make computer programs that ALL the programs written have a "back door" built in so that they can be accessed if locked down, and most of the companies that have them made don't even know they exist. Said he did it to always have access to the programs he created, and everybody else he knew did it too. I didn't know that and guess most people don't. So all a hacker has to do if find that "door" and your "safe" site is no longer safe. Feel your pain.
JB White
09-22-2017, 07:16
I felt like ranting too when I read the post. I refrained because I knew I'd fly off on a tirade. And it does piss me off that Experian would screw the pooch and use that as a tool to sell more "security". Hell, they want more info disclosed than comfortable just to be able to see if you've been hacked. Really? They're hacked and they want me to type in even more on their web site? STOP....'cuz here I go.
09-22-2017, 05:48
Are you referring to the Equifax (not Experian) hack that affected almost all adults?
Former Cav
09-22-2017, 09:32
Experian is the one telling me I was hacked and wants the money "to protect me" I'd LAUGH if the irony didn't BITE so much!
Sorry guys, but I have never heard of these people before. Help me out here. What is it they are supposed to do for you and why would anybody need them? Am I missing something here???
If your identity is hacked (stolen?) how can they get it back for you? Are they going to put it in a box and ship it by USPS? It seems to me it would be like putting toothpaste back in the tube. Personally I couldn't care less about my credit score. I don't owe anybody anything and cannot even imagine why I would want to.
I have thought all along that Life Lock and other "ID protection," schemes were never anything but scams.
A few years ago I had a problem. I stayed at a motel in KC and they asked me for a Driver License ID and I paid for the room with a CC so they had all my info. Name, address, DOB, CC number, DL number, auto license number, and yes, even a cell phone number. The crooked desk clerk used the info to charge $1,000's on a gambling site in the Caymans. One phone call and the CC company took care of it.
Major Tom
09-23-2017, 02:31
The few credit cards I use always contact me if a purchase is made out of my State.
Johnny P
09-23-2017, 03:53
In years past your Social Security card had the large words NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION printed on it. Now you can't get as much as an insurance quote or satellite TV service without giving out your SS number, and even the government uses it as the ID for your Medicare card. Everyone in the world has access to it.
Former Cav
09-23-2017, 09:23
In years past your Social Security card had the large words NOT FOR IDENTIFICATION printed on it. Now you can't get as much as an insurance quote or satellite TV service without giving out your SS number, and even the government uses it as the ID for your Medicare card. Everyone in the world has access to it
KIND of tells you who the perpetrator of these crimes are, doesn't it?
Years ago, I had called my CC company and told them I was going on a vacation and told them what route I was taking going and returning and the inclusive dates.
Well, some dirtbag got my number and bought a computer 3000 miles away.
Well, the CC outfit KNEW the following: 1)what time the computer was bought, 2) what cashier aisle it was bought in, 3) the CC outfit was told we had both cards in our custody so therefore: they KNEW the purchase was made without the CC being present.
NOW, how come you can't have a detective, go to the store, ask the management what cashier was working on aisle such and such at xx:xx time of day. Then go to that cashier and offer them the following deal: 1) you RAT out your accomplice, or we haul you away as the perp !
INSTEAD of doing this which would SHUT DOWN a lot of this crap, we get to pay about a 22% markup to cover for theft on EVERYTHING we buy!
I used to work in a convenient store (like a 7-11) and where they trained me in which was in an exclusive suburb, the prices for a can of soda in 1976 was 35 cents. After my training was done, they moved me down to the "ghetto" store. The same can of soda was 50cents to cover for theft!!
THOSE "poor people" could LEAST afford to pay that much extra (not to mention they shouldn't be drinking so much soda).
Big difference in the make up for all of that "LOSS"
Vern Humphrey
09-23-2017, 09:45
When the firing squad convenes, I'll bring extra rifles for them that don't have one.
Former Cav
09-23-2017, 09:24
When the firing squad convenes, I'll bring extra rifles for them that don't have one.
I'll do my best to provide .223, .243, .308, and 6.5 x .284
A few silly responses. It's online. It's a dark alley sometimes. A big dark alley sometimes. Hey, I can make it alright. For ten dollars a month......
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