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Many people have never eaten or tasted venison. They shrug their shoulders and say "deer are too beautiful to kill." Have you ever seen a ugly white face calf? Without hunters the deer would overpopulate, famine and disease would take over, and millions of whitetails would die a useless and cruel death.
I am too old and crippled up to process my own venison any more. I did it for 30+ years... my process was simple. Slice the tenderloins and back straps, take the rump roasts, and hand grind the rest. I never added pork fat or beef suet... just ground the lean meat.
Everybody that has tried my venison chili, loved it. I cut up the roasts and have a Buck & Bourbon dish that is unbelievable. I take medallions of the backstraps and simply roll them in seasoned flour and fry them in a greased cast iron skillet to a medium rare, pink in the middle doneness... better than the best Chateau Briande.
Anybody that won't even taste venison shares a common trait with millions of left wing idiots in this country.
AH, so you are wondering why this meandering old fart brings this up...
I just bought a $150 electric grinder. And I am going to live and use it... extensively. Where 5 years ago you could take a field dressed whitetail to a dozen nearby licensed butchers and get it processed. Today there is only one shop left and they suck.
When hamburger meat is $3.49/lb... screw them, I'll eat healthier and healthier venison.
Been hunting deer since 1982. Nice doe or a young buck ... shoot it right so it drops dead at the shot ... prepare the meat properly as you would handle beef or pork and you'll have venison that anyone would enjoy. My wife was not raised eating game meat. I brought home the first deer she'd ever seen. She started with the roast. We had guest over for the evening. She did the roast w/ onions, etc. It was wonderful! That Christmas we had a open house for the entire church. One of the featured items was sausage balls wrapped w/ bacon. She had prepared 600. We ended up having to get 300 more out of the freezer and put them through the oven. A lot of the folks who talked so much about the meat were very surprised when she told them it was venison sausage. Nowadays ... it's just my wife and I at home, the children have all flown the nest. We don't use that much meat ... my wife does cook a lot of chicken for us. But this year if things work out, I'll get another deer when we will prepare for the freezer. Through the year it will provide many good meals. What more could anyone want? Sincerely. bruce.
09-29-2017, 06:31
Not sure why eating venison has to be partisan Red.... left wing people don't eat venison ?
I've eaten a lot of venison.. moose and even elk. Horse meat, goat...probably a dog but was too uncomfortable to ask.... beaver meat , water buffalo and even a kangaroo I killed with a Volkswagon .
But I'll tell ya.... I'll pay the extra for a grain fed rib eye any time... and politics ain't got a thing to do with it .
Ken The Kanuck
09-29-2017, 06:36
The kids were funny, the eldest daughter never asked what kind of meat it was. She just ate it. The boy would ask what it was and then eat it. The youngest would ask what it was and if it was wild would not eat it.
Going hunting next week, hopefully we get some for the freezer.
Marty T.
09-29-2017, 06:59
I like it, just don't like to hunt something bigger than I am. Too much trouble for me to dress and process as I have my own business and two young kids. Will do the smaller game, but I have a lot of the deer around the house, and believe it or not, I can't find anyone to come to the place and kill a few. They get in the garden and scrape my fruit trees and kill them. Anybody want to come over and kill you some free meat? May try killing them myself and giving to the hunters for the hungry, but they need to be trimmed down some. Good luck with your hunts.
I like it, just don't like to hunt something bigger than I am. Too much trouble for me to dress and process as I have my own business and two young kids. Will do the smaller game, but I have a lot of the deer around the house, and believe it or not, I can't find anyone to come to the place and kill a few. They get in the garden and scrape my fruit trees and kill them. Anybody want to come over and kill you some free meat? May try killing them myself and giving to the hunters for the hungry, but they need to be trimmed down some. Good luck with your hunts.
now your talking, always people looking for meat. ive donated a lot of deer over the years.
Chris W.
09-29-2017, 07:16
First few years I hunted, I had my deer processed by butchers, cut and wrapped. After a careful field dressing and carefully taking care of the deer after the kill, I'd end up with a cut and wrapped meat that tasted like road kill. I soon learned that the butcher was playing the old switch game with my meat and his buddies road kill. Can't trust them anymore, I do all my own cut and wrap, grind the scraps.
After deciding to do my own, quality of the meat was night and day better. Sure most butchers are honest, but not the ones I was using. Lesson learned, if I kill it, I butcher it. Had a butcher do some jerky for me one time, worse product I'd ever tasted, think the same thing was happening there as well. Do your own if you can.
I always get the hide off as soon as possible and get it in a cooler. As soon as the body heat is gone and the meat is chilled enough I cut, wrap, and freeze it. I never hang it, venison doesn't age like beef, it just gets rancid.
JB White
09-29-2017, 08:57
I don't hunt anymore but only because Meniere's has robbed me of my sure footedness among a couple of other things we take for granted. Wasn't bashful about the kill but the dressing out I had a problem with after encountering the rotting corpse of someone I knew. Just a mental thing. it until it cools on my plate. Unlike a good chunk of medium rare beef, venison takes on a different taste and gets a tallow-like thing to me. Deer don't marble the fat as cattle do. Sort of ruins the enjoyment. Won't hesitate to take a smaller portion though or a good piping hot bowl of chili. Sausage or jerky I'm in for the long haul. Moose! Love it!! Tastes the way a zoo smells ;)
You guys echo the way I feel about game. I've never taken an animal, but my brother got some cast off elk from a co worker. He did it up on the grill and the first thing I noticed was it was purple colored. Worst meat I've ever eaten. Granted, the meat was given away and probably for a good reason. Born in Alaska, I've eaten plenty of moose, dry, lean but with mashed potatoes and lots of gravy great.
09-30-2017, 05:07
now your talking, always people looking for meat. ive donated a lot of deer over the years.
I'm not partial to venison killed in season: so I donated mine to the county home
Major Tom
09-30-2017, 05:57
Roasted wild duck stuffed with cut up apples is to die for! Since I don't hunt anymore, my friends always bring me some of their game. Yes, deer venison is very tasty.
10-01-2017, 06:23
The kids were funny, the eldest daughter never asked what kind of meat it was. She just ate it. The boy would ask what it was and then eat it. The youngest would ask what it was and if it was wild would not eat it.
Going hunting next week, hopefully we get some for the freezer.
Good luck, Ken!
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