View Full Version : Criterion No 4 Barrel Quality?

10-06-2017, 08:03
Has anybody tried out the new Criterion No 4 barrels? Would you use one over a NOS Enfield barrel for a rebuild?


10-06-2017, 09:35
I do not have one but a friend rebarreled a No 4 with one. I've only been out shooting with him with that gun once. The gun is also equipped with one of the very good early micrometer sights. It shot very well using reloads. We did not try any surplus that day. He got the standard bore version. Since I reload I might be tempted to get the .300/ .308 bore/ grove just because bullet choice is opened way up. I would use one on a No V build if it's already been rebuilt. I only own 1 No V Mark 1 and it wears its original barrel, so personally I would find one that's already been rebuilt. Good luck would be a fun project.

10-06-2017, 11:05
No, I have not. I have installed Criterion barrels on M1903A3's and a Garand. They are superior to anything ever put on a service rifle.

10-08-2017, 10:40
"...the .308 bore..." Takes more than just a barrel to convert a No. 4 to .308. Criterion isn't making 'em any more either. .303 British with a 1-10 LH twist only. No mention of the actual bore/groove diameter though. Lotta friggin' money for one, up here. $595Cdn. $343US at Deans. Ain't worth that much.

10-08-2017, 08:57
"...the .308 bore..." Takes more than just a barrel to convert a No. 4 to .308. Criterion isn't making 'em any more either. .303 British with a 1-10 LH twist only. No mention of the actual bore/groove diameter though. Lotta friggin' money for one, up here. $595Cdn. $343US at Deans. Ain't worth that much.
Do you mean .308 Winchester caliber or .308 bore diameter. I would really be interested in a .303 british with a .308 bore.

10-09-2017, 10:31
"...interested in a .303 British with a .308 bore..." It'd be the wrong bore diameter if chambered in .308 Win/7.62NATO. Too small for .303 Brit. Lee-Enfield barrels are nominally .303" bore diameter(that's the size of the hole drilled.) with .311" to .315" groove diameters.
Criterion used to make No. 4 Lee-Enfield barrels in .308/7.62NATO, but don't now. According to their site.
There are some .308/7.62NATO Lee-Enfield barrels around though. No idea where you'd find one. Or a smithy who has the proper tools. Requires changing the bolt head to a 7.62 bolt head or filing the extractor groove on the bolt head a bit deeper to convert it to rimless. Mag really should have a different follower too.

10-09-2017, 11:39
"...interested in a .303 British with a .308 bore..." It'd be the wrong bore diameter if chambered in .308 Win/7.62NATO. Too small for .303 Brit. Lee-Enfield barrels are nominally .303" bore diameter(that's the size of the hole drilled.) with .311" to .315" groove diameters.
Criterion used to make No. 4 Lee-Enfield barrels in .308/7.62NATO, but don't now. According to their site.
There are some .308/7.62NATO Lee-Enfield barrels around though. No idea where you'd find one. Or a smithy who has the proper tools. Requires changing the bolt head to a 7.62 bolt head or filing the extractor groove on the bolt head a bit deeper to convert it to rimless. Mag really should have a different follower too.
You keep trying to change to .308 Winchester I want a .303 british with a .308 bore.
It would be wrong diameter for commercial or surplus but a .308 diameter .303 british would be a reloaders dream. Large assortment of projectiles. Easy to reload, just take out .312 expanding ball and replace with a .308 expander. This would give you a .303 british that would actual have a correct size bullet for the bore.

10-09-2017, 03:24
You keep trying to change to .308 Winchester I want a .303 british with a .308 bore.
It would be wrong diameter for commercial or surplus but a .308 diameter .303 british would be a reloaders dream. Large assortment of projectiles. Easy to reload, just take out .312 expanding ball and replace with a .308 expander. This would give you a .303 british that would actual have a correct size bullet for the bore.

Yes that's what I'm talking about the 303 British round using the .300/.308 bore/groove instead of the .311. They were making it at one time. I'd have to look at the website to see if they still are. My attraction was simple many more bullet options.

10-09-2017, 05:12
These discussions would be easier if some folks would stop writing "bore" when "groove" diameter is intended. There's a difference!


Also, FWIW, a "smithy" is the place where a smith works metal. It's not a familiar diminutive. (Look it up if you didn't know.)

10-10-2017, 01:13
OK , .308 groove diameter in .303 british barrel. Happy? Doesn't change the story.

10-10-2017, 11:46
These discussions would be easier if some folks would stop writing "bore" when "groove" diameter is intended. There's a difference!


Also, FWIW, a "smithy" is the place where a smith works metal. It's not a familiar diminutive. (Look it up if you didn't know.)

Thanks for pointing that out, post fixed for clarification.