View Full Version : Obvious fake sold
10-09-2017, 04:11
About 3 weeks ago, an Arisaka was posted on an auction site, listed as a Type 100 prototype. I saw the listing when someone posted it on the Arisaka Collector's FB page. It was a complete fake! I've seen pictures of a real Type 100, and this one wasn't even close to passible. Yet, it sold yesterday for almost $3,000. So sad that someone was taken to the cleaners!
Terrible. Terrible for the man who is defrauded. Terrible for all who care about honesty and integrity. This sort of thing is the bain of every hobby. To merely quote, "Let the buyer beware," only excuses the fraudulent. It is no different than those who fake college degrees, etc. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
Tho I have half dozen jap rifles, I am far from being knowledgeable about them. So---what is a type 100?
"...what is a type 100?..." Japanese SMG. Looks like a STEN and a Bergman had a baby. People buy fake stuff every day. A whole industry has grown up faking stuff. Look how many fake No. 5 Rifles there are.
10-10-2017, 11:57
The rifle in question was listed as a Type 100 Prototype Paratrooper rifle. And though it was a takedown rifle, the bolt was completely wrong, with an obvious homemade removable handle. The rifle had obvious faked markings. It had the wrong barrel, with the wrong rear sight, takedowns latch, and acruments. The stock was suspicious... Looked very much like a modified Type 38 stock that didn't seem to fit just right. There was just so much that was obviously wrong!
Hmmmm, two different guns with same number?
10-14-2017, 05:38
For what it's worth... I downloaded a couple true Type-100 pictures from Google Search. The fake was on Gun Broker, and I captured a couple screenshots.
Real Type 100:
The fake:
11-02-2017, 09:04
I remember seeing a nice take down hunting rifle about 35 years ago at a midwest gun show, New wood ,high polish blue, jewelled bolt, - It was one of these ! The guy also had an Original #4 Mk 1 T rifle, -re-blued , even the cope ! Same guy !
11-12-2017, 03:57
I have seen this one 2 auction sites In the last several years....I feel bad for the poor schlub.
I wonder what the current "expert" on pawn stars would make of it.
Dick Hosmer
11-29-2018, 07:46
One of my fantasies has always been to take one of my obscurely valuable trapdoors into there and see what kind of smoke they would try to blow up my butt. Of course it would never air but still might be fun.
Speaking of "experts" has anyone watched the new "Brothers in Arms" series from the not-so-much-History Channel? Another very contrived "reality" show; I managed to choke down one hour, less a little dozing, before puking - I'll never watch another episode. One straight-up guy is drowned out by the obnoxious "stars".
friend had a rather obscure carriage mounted gun ,
he had just bought it, it needed some work, and somehow got signed up on one those gun shows,
they worked on his gun, it works well,
he told me every word they spoke was scripted, no adlib, no off the cuff remarks,
all by a script,
and horrible,
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