View Full Version : I haven't been on in awhile..
I got busy a piece back with two new houses I bought and then I got sick. Most of the summer has been spent in misery. A staph infection called mersa got set up in my sinuses and ears and life went to miserable...dizzy, nauseous, no concentration and headaches galore..I couldn't even sleep.
The rounds of heavy antibiotics screwed up my digestive's better now...but I'm tired...I don't think I've fired a gun in 3 concentration.
Someone mentioned feeling old,,,well, I'm 63 and this stuff is really making me feel old....things will get better, they already are...but this is the third time in 4 years I've been knocked down with this...I think I need another doctor.
Glad you are doing better.
Good luck on finding a good doctor. They are as rare as hens teeth and nothing will put you into the ground quicker than a bad doctor.
You probably already know this but one of the best antidotes for antibiotics is yogurt. The bacteria/cultures in yogurt help get your digestive tract back on course.
yep,lot's of yogurt and kimchi..both help me get things back to normal..
Kimchi? Hmmm, hmmm......good stuff! Glad to see others enjoy it too.
Welcome back Critch and hope you're feeling better.
Kimchi and about tasty Korean probiotics! I gave sauerkraut a rest and now put kimchi on my brats.
Years ago, used to pull into Pusan, South Korea every now and then. Remember first time I snuggled up to one of them Korean gals. Phew.........that overpowering garlic smell on their breaths from eating kimchi. Phew! Their breath was so strong you could darn near chin yourself on it. Grin.
All joking aside though, the Koreans make some pretty good chow if you're careful about what you're eating. BBQ garlic seasoned, short ribs, white rice, lots of kimchi and a cold beer is a meal fit for a king.
Years ago, used to pull into Pusan, South Korea every now and then. Remember first time I snuggled up to one of them Korean gals. Phew.........that overpowering garlic smell on their breaths from eating kimchi. Phew! Their breath was so strong you could darn near chin yourself on it. Grin.
All joking aside though, the Koreans make some pretty good chow if you're careful about what you're eating. BBQ garlic seasoned, short ribs, white rice, lots of kimchi and a cold beer is a meal fit for a king.
sounds like youve been on texas street. LOL
sounds like youve been on texas street. LOL
Yessir........and Bugis St., Gloucester Rd, Magsayay Ave, Hon-cho, and many, many other neon lit streets in the Orient.
JB White
10-14-2017, 11:26
Hi Critch. Glad to see you made it back.
10-14-2017, 04:18
My parents had a neighbor who taught in Singapore for years. She wrote to a couple of her old students to meet me and show me around. Ms. Lim and Ms. Kwan took me to a Christmas Eve service at the Anglican Cathedral and then we hit the town. Food on Albert Street and then drinks on Bugis Street.
Went out a few nights later and couldn't get served on Bugis Street. No one would come near me. One of my co-workers found out why later. Ms. Lim was Col. Lim of the Intel Service.
Former Cav
10-15-2017, 03:56
screw the beer, have a makli (spelling??) pronounced something like Mock Oh Lee or Mock Lee. I've heard it both ways.
looks like skim milk, you can drink it cold or heated. Heated it kind of tastes like vodka. It is their version of rice wine.
get well Critch. I've had a rough year myself. triple bypass, then they fractured my t-4 vertebrae and then a decortication and pleurothesesis.
both major types of surgery. I've been screwed up since Mar 18th this year.
finally get out and about.
If I did NOT have my lovely wife watching them clowns over my medicines, I'd be DEAD!!
Pretty sure I had a muslim nurse who would NOT give me my blood press medicine!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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