View Full Version : 03 trigger guard

10-18-2017, 10:54
I have info from back in '05 from Vi for the A3 but I don't seem to have any photos of the 03 trigger guard and any differences between the manufacturer, if any. I'm looking at one, parked with a backwards serif P stamped on the bottom of the floorplate which is still stuck to the guard with old grease. No other markings I can see.
Does anyone have some pics so I can figure out what I have? Marking everything for the kids.

10-18-2017, 11:48
. . . a backwards serif P stamped on the bottom of the floorplate which is still stuck to the guard with old grease.

Many of the Greek returns featured a "B" struck on the floorplate to indicate that it had been pinned in place. Perhaps yours is a badly-struck "B". Does it have the retaining pin? Photo at this URL shows hole for pin just aft of upper magazine box - https://tse4.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Nax4xlXoPf1CM7VhLRMmJAEsDh&pid=15.1

10-18-2017, 12:34
Let me clean the hardened grease off and see. The only part "cleaned" shows the alpha. I'll get my glasses and get to work. Let you know Parashooter.

10-18-2017, 01:06
Sure enough, it is pinned and in using a solvent patch I could see it is the B. Thanks. Now I know how to mark this. It appears never to have been installed on a rifle, just a rough park finish. Think I bought it and other OEM parts back around '05 from a fellow who was disposing of all his 03 & A3 parts. Lots of stuff still in their sealed parts envelopes or that grease wrap paper stuff.
Thanks again.