View Full Version : Self inflicted stressful weekend

10-23-2017, 04:27
In the years I've lived here I have kept the original PO box. Get the mail once a week. So Saturday I found a letter from State Judicial Branch.
Important Notice Concerning Amounts Owed in Your Court Case. Didn't know I was involved in a case from 2014. Fine print slipped by saying 'you are owed'; I didn't know anyone owed me money who was actually going to pay up.

Couple of years ago a check of mine was stolen from the guy I wrote it to. He came up and we filed a report with the Sheriff and I put a stop on the check.
I thought maybe the lowlifes had figured some way to wash the check and write it to a girlfriend for x thou and slip it into the system as a bad check, which in this state costs you a lot.
Lady from the court returned my call bright and early. Yeah, you and everybody else who receives that letter freaks because it is written in such a manner as to lead the recipient to believe they have an outstanding judgement against them which has been ignored for several years.

Tough way to make Monday better than the weekend.

Major Tom
10-24-2017, 04:36
I feel your frustration!

10-24-2017, 10:25
Seems the lady from the court doesn't read well. The statement "you are owed" is not the same as "outstanding judgement against them".
It never ceases to amaze me just how stupid civil servants can be and still be employed. Our local bunch have consistently under estimated every single budgetary thing they've touched by millions of dollars. Protected by unions.

10-31-2017, 11:05
Under estimate is something that goes on in very level of Gov., helps get peoples support, politically as well if it is being voted on.