View Full Version : Onlu in the US......

Dan Shapiro
11-05-2017, 01:14
actual ad:

Have you ever wanted to protest the evils of Capitalism alongside the black-clad members of Antifa, but also you have no desire to stand alongside the rest of the proletariat, lest you be identified with whatever poor people germs remain from their non-universal health care?

Good news, Barneys New York has a solution for you: the outrageously overpriced "M-65 Anarchy" Antifa jacket, a "military inspired" drab green jacket that screams "I oppose the Trump-Pence regime" but also "I've never been below 86th," and retails for a cool, and decidedly capitalistic, $375.


11-05-2017, 01:25
Nothing wrong with wearing that jacket a few years on a collective farm wouldn't fix.

11-05-2017, 02:20
I wonder how much I can get for my field jacket that doesn't fit any more.

11-05-2017, 02:53
Kids, they'll buy anything.

11-05-2017, 02:58
Kids, they'll buy anything.

, as long as they can use their parent's money.

Former Cav
11-10-2017, 06:35
as long as they can use their parent's money.
I was shopping with my son who was 15 at the time about 2 weeks before Christmas in an upscale dept store (Daytons....kind of like Nordstroms or Macy's etc).
There was a line of women with all their Christmas stuff waiting in line at the nearby cash register (or should I say "check out")
My son grabbed a pair of some blue jeans made out of 2 inch square patches sewn together and they cost 85 dollars (this was 1985 BTW).
The brand name was "goolows" (pronunciation) or something like that.
He wanted them.
I said "I'm not paying 85 bucks for a pair of pants with some french faggots name on them"
all the women in line overheard me and started laughing.
my son got embarrased and said "DAAAD"
I told him "I will give you the 28 dollars towards your "501" Levi's and you can pay the difference if you want them.
He settled for the levies!!!!!!!!!!

Major Tom
11-11-2017, 04:10
Yeah, $100+ jeans and $200+ sneaker shoes!