View Full Version : If you're going to San Francisco, be sure to wear some flowers in your hair...

Griff Murphey
11-27-2017, 05:43
But leave your OFMH (Old Fart Military Hat) at home. I wore my USS NEW ORLEANS LPH-11 hat with some USMC pins and DOC on it, thinking, yeah, I know it's a liberal town, but it ought to still be a Navy town. We rode Amtrak from Denver to SF; I got one comment that it was a cute hat, from a lady in Denver.

In SF we were there 3 days and I finally gave up and left mine off on day three, sensing I was out of style, and that day I finally sighted one similar hat on a Marine across the street, out of all those people. At the airport in the departure lounge back to Texas I had two people give the the standard "Thank you for your service"; guessing they were probably headed back to Texas...(yeah, granted; you do kind of ASK for it when you wear the OFMH, BUT it is also - in other geographic areas - a fun way to meet other vets).

In the departure lounge I had the pleasure of meeting a 100 year old Navy vet who survived the torpedoing of the CA USS CANBERRA, named for the Aussie CA sunk at Savo. On the plane a lady asked me if I was FROM New Orleans.

Did see one interesting street banner with the silhouette of a tricked - out AR and the bold proclamation "A UTERUS IS MORE HEAVILY REGULATED THAN AN ASSAULT RIFLE." Must be rough on California women not being allowed to have those! (They wouldn't lie, now would they?"

Major Tom
11-28-2017, 05:24
I wear my Vietnam Veteran hat every where. No bad comments aimed at me so far. I wore it on planes and in Southern Calif.

Jeff L
12-05-2017, 12:38
Next time come for Fleet Week, you'll see a lot of vets, Blue Angels too. Also visit Alameda across the bay, it was home to a Naval Air Station. Still some retired Navy and USMC over there. Probably more Marines per square mile in San Diego and Arizona.