View Full Version : Livening up the evening

12-17-2017, 11:04
Definitely will give you some laughs , I have four dogs , a beagle , a whatchamacallit , a pit , and a mixed pit/lab . Got all of them in the shower one at a time . I definitely should have done this first thing this morning before eating .
It was a laughable experience to say the least , two in the twenty pound range , one fifty , and one about sixty pounds . The beagle and pit was pretty laid back about it , but the whatchamacallit and pit/lab not so much . They were some serious balls of energy afterwards , that's for sure , romper room on steroids .
They are snoozing now , but when I move about they cast a wary eye on me . LOL .
Well time to slice some deer Bologna and cheese , and have a set down .

Major Tom
12-18-2017, 04:37
I know where you come from. Our 2 dogs, a Sheltie and a poodle, endure the bath OK, but go crazy when released.

12-18-2017, 05:00
Same case at my house. It seems as smart as some dogs are they would learn to not dread something that makes them feel so good afterwards.

12-21-2017, 10:07
Definitely will give you some laughs , I have four dogs , a beagle , a whatchamacallit , a pit , and a mixed pit/lab . Got all of them in the shower one at a time . I definitely should have done this first thing this morning before eating .
It was a laughable experience to say the least , two in the twenty pound range , one fifty , and one about sixty pounds . The beagle and pit was pretty laid back about it , but the whatchamacallit and pit/lab not so much . They were some serious balls of energy afterwards , that's for sure , romper room on steroids .
They are snoozing now , but when I move about they cast a wary eye on me . LOL .
Well time to slice some deer Bologna and cheese , and have a set down .

Labs are supposed to love water but I've got a big black one that doesn't.