View Full Version : Sources to ID old artillery shell needed

12-19-2017, 05:14
I was given an old artillery shell, cast iron, pointed at the top with no removeable / screw on fuse at the top. It is straight sided with what looks like a small copper band near the bottom, and then a cap that looks like it was crimped on the bottom. The cap is not copper because it is rusted. A few inches down from the top is a small hole that may have threads in it. Diameter is approx. 80mm or about 3.5". It's soaking in Evap o Rust at the moment though its not really rusted that badly. At this point I can't find any marks on it.

I've looked on the internet but haven't seen any pictures that look like it. I thought it might be a dummy round for trng. but that doesn't explain the cap on the bottom. There is no taper at the bottom . Perhaps post-Civil War / pre WWI?

Any thoughts appreciated. It was given to me for display in our VFW.



12-20-2017, 07:22
I found out that it is an armour piercing round. It weighs 19 lbs.

Dan Shapiro
12-23-2017, 11:52
Picture would help greatly.

12-26-2017, 03:26

I can send more pics, but Photo Bucket seems awfully slow at the moment. I can't seem to remember how to send pictures on Jouster, and this site doesn't seem to work like transamcountry. Should be able to paste the link (I hope)


- - - Updated - - -

Well, that didn't seem to work. I'm kind of in a hurry - I'll try again later tonight.