View Full Version : You are pre-approved!
S.A. Boggs
12-20-2017, 03:36
Seems like when I go to the mail box I get a letter stating this, or a phone call. "We have FREE in store pickup!" is another oxymoron that people fall for. I was in sales for 25 years before switching professions, I would never insult my customers with this type of come-on. I love getting the phone calls that are to "help" me with my credit card debt...except for one thing I don't have/use/desire a credit card. Other then some medical bills that my insurance didn't cover I have no debt and plan on keeping it that way. To me a credit card is paying money to use my money, cash is FREE to use.:icon_lol:
if you are careful and dont go wild with a card, they can be made to pay you to use them, and not cost you a dime.
I love it, but I confess to a warped sense of humor. Trying hard to think of a store that charges you to take your purchases home....
" you to use them..." Nobody pays anybody to use a credit card.
"...FREE in store pickup..." Yeah. People see the word 'free' and go nuts. Shuts off their brain.
"...the phone calls..." The U.S. has a 'Do not call' list too. You have to put your phone number on it yourself, but it cuts down on the BS phone advertising. It cost Bell Canada 2 million Cdn. a few years back for all the phone calls from off shore telemarketing. Operative words are 'cuts down'. I still get calls offering free travel from Air Canada, but nowhere near as much from duct cleaners, et al.
This is the U.S site.
" you to use them..." Nobody pays anybody to use a credit card.
"...FREE in store pickup..." Yeah. People see the word 'free' and go nuts. Shuts off their brain.
"...the phone calls..." The U.S. has a 'Do not call' list too. You have to put your phone number on it yourself, but it cuts down on the BS phone advertising. It cost Bell Canada 2 million Cdn. a few years back for all the phone calls from off shore telemarketing. Operative words are 'cuts down'. I still get calls offering free travel from Air Canada, but nowhere near as much from duct cleaners, et al.
This is the U.S site.
well, i get money back on my card, on purchases that cost the same whether you use cash or a card, so i guess you could say i save money using the card. dont matter if its 1, 2, or 3% its money back that i would not have gotten back if i paid by cash or check. the card costs nothing to use as long as its paid off monthly. you can argue minor wording, but ill keep getting back instead of nothing!
Our main CC gives you points for using their card. Once the points accumulate you can cash them in for gift cards or use the points like cash to pay on your CC bill. The incentive for them is to encourage you to use the card, spend more than you make and end up with a large balance that you can't possibly pay off with one payment--thus the super high interest rate. W/O saying the more you use the card to more and quicker the points add up. A couple of years ago we accumulated a couple thousand dollars worth of points. We had several options on how to retrieve the money so we chose BestBuy gift cards. The timing was great because everyone in our family had some want or need in electronics at that time and Christmas was around the corner. We bought a TV, tablet, phone and a bunch of small stuff. It paid for most of our Christmas shopping that year.
My wife pays off the CC balance in full every month--period. We never pay interest on our purchases and the card has no annual fee. This is how the card will pay you to use it.
Johnny P
12-20-2017, 10:23
Agree with leftyo; never paid a penny interest on a credit card, and the card is no fee. Ever so often get either cash or credit to my card, my choice. Lets me make room reservations months ahead of time, order on-line, get discount on gasoline, etc.
Where's the expense, or how am I paying the credit card company and don't know it?
Agree with leftyo; never paid a penny interest on a credit card, and the card is no fee. Ever so often get either cash or credit to my card, my choice. Lets me make room reservations months ahead of time, order on-line, get discount on gasoline, etc.
Where's the expense, or how am I paying the credit card company and don't know it?
everybody is paying the credit card companies, even those that use cash. the fee's they charge to the retailers is of course added into the price of goods. so in actuality those that think they are so smart and only use cash are actually paying more than us card users. of course not all cards are created equal, and those that cant manage their money probably shouldnt have a card.
I'm another one that has never paid a fee for a card or a dime of interest in thirty years. I make a heck of a lot more money using the card(on the backs of others that don't pay theirs off) than I do on interest on the ten grand I have in savings.
JB White
12-22-2017, 12:56
"...FREE in store pickup..." Yeah. People see the word 'free' and go nuts. Shuts off their brain..............
"...the phone calls..." I still get calls offering free travel from Air Canada, but nowhere near as much from duct cleaners, et al.
TV ads saying "Buy one. Get a second one FREE. Just pay a separate fee." Huh? I recall when FREE meant...well, free! And if anyone thinks BOGO is a deal, think again. You're paying way too much for the first one. They aren't in business to not make any profit.
I'm on the list but I still get human sounding robot calls. "You stayed at one of our resorts last year. You qualify for a free trip to Orlando/Disney". At times I'm a bit bored and I love asking repeatedly, "Which resort did I stay at?" any time I'm supposed to answer one of the robot's questions. Then listen to it stumble until it or someone ends the call.
Former Cav
12-23-2017, 02:39
yep, I ZERO the card every month. I just cashed in a years worth and got about 500 bucks worth of gift cards for various restaurants, etc.
works for me.
And that's why I use the card for everything. I have $100 in my wallet but it stays there.
everybody is paying the credit card companies, even those that use cash. the fee's they charge to the retailers is of course added into the price of goods. so in actuality those that think they are so smart and only use cash are actually paying more than us card users. of course not all cards are created equal, and those that cant manage their money probably shouldnt have a card.
There you go being right again. I use a debit card and there is no charge for it. I also have CC with a $20K limit for emergencies since 1996. Last Jan. I blew the engine up in my Polaris Ranger. The repair was $2,300. I used my CC for half and my debit for the other. There was no interest but there was a $20 fee. I paid it off $100 at a time and just paid the final $93.27. Otherwise, I would have had to get into the safe deposit box and sell something. Banking on line is also a great thing. I get a bill, I pay it on line and it takes 2 minutes. No check to write, no stamps to buy. I just paid my $74.45 electric bill and didn't even have to go the 1/4 mile to my rural mail box.
There you go being right again. I use a debit card and there is no charge for it. I also have CC with a $20K limit for emergencies since 1996. Last Jan. I blew the engine up in my Polaris Ranger. The repair was $2,300. I used my CC for half and my debit for the other. There was no interest but there was a $20 fee. I paid it off $100 at a time and just paid the final $93.27. Otherwise, I would have had to get into the safe deposit box and sell something. Banking on line is also a great thing. I get a bill, I pay it on line and it takes 2 minutes. No check to write, no stamps to buy. I just paid my $74.45 electric bill and didn't even have to go the 1/4 mile to my rural mail box.
you do realize what you just typed proved everything i said! we all know your a liar and a fraud, but how can you possibly be that stupid!
Come on guys it's Christmas.
Come on guys it's Christmas.
sorry, but ill no longer take crap from that low life.
you do realize what you just typed proved everything i said! we all know your a liar and a fraud, but how can you possibly be that stupid!
Please, what did I write that was either wrong or a lie? Every thing I said there is 100% accurate. I can PM you a copy of the repair bill... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ANYTHING I SAID?
OK, maybe I was wrong when I said you were right... Is that the problem? Please be honest and tell me what is wrong with me saying you are right? I have the bill to prove I paid for the repairs with both a debit card from the Alliant Bank and a Bank of America Visa Credit Card.
You really need to calm down and think reasonably.
Please, what did I write that was either wrong or a lie? Every thing I said there is 100% accurate. I can PM you a copy of the repair bill... WHAT IS WRONG WITH ANYTHING I SAID?
OK, maybe I was wrong when I said you were right... Is that the problem? Please be honest and tell me what is wrong with me saying you are right? I have the bill to prove I paid for the repairs with both a debit card from the Alliant Bank and a Bank of America Visa Credit Card.
You really need to calm down and think reasonably.
lets start with your opening insult peckerwood. then lets go for the $20 fee you paid hmm, then lets not forget the added 3% on every item or labor that is added in whether they tell you or not that you paid, and you have some vision that im wrong, pull your head out of your rectum for once in your miserable life!
lets start with your opening insult peckerwood. then lets go for the $20 fee you paid hmm, then lets not forget the added 3% on every item or labor that is added in whether they tell you or not that you paid, and you have some vision that im wrong, pull your head out of your rectum for once in your miserable life!
Bank of America runs promotions all year long. 0% interest for a year with a small transaction fee for those of us fortunate enough to have a good credit rating. IIRC the fee would have been $40 if I had paid the entire $2,284.41 with the promotional offer., but I paid $1,100 with my debit card and charged $1,184.41 to the BOA card. There was no 3%... If you will give me a email address or a snail mail address, I will send you copies of the repair bill and the BOA promotions. I tried to post copies here using the pictures icon in the heading and URL's from photobucket. I also tried to send them by PM with no luck. That didn't work here but should work on email.
You are completely off the road here. When I said you are right again, how in the Hell is that an insult?
BTW, I get promotional checks from BOA every month. When you use those checks, the vendor is not charged a fee. I made the BOA check out to Z's Powersports in Tipton MO. Their phone number is 660-433-2889. Ask the owner, Jake, about repair ticket 00867 dated 11/17/2016.
Bank of America runs promotions all year long. 0% interest for a year with a small transaction fee for those of us fortunate enough to have a good credit rating. IIRC the fee would have been $40 if I had paid the entire $2,284.41 with the promotional offer., but I paid $1,100 with my debit card and charged $1,184.41 to the BOA card. There was no 3%... If you will give me a email address or a snail mail address, I will send you copies of the repair bill and the BOA promotions. I tried to post copies here using the pictures icon in the heading and URL's from photobucket. I also tried to send them by PM with no luck. That didn't work here but should work on email.
You are completely off the road here. When I said you are right again, how in the Hell is that an insult?
i dont need a copy of your receipt, how is it you dont understand the CC fee's are added in by the seller without them saying a word to you. kind of like when you see free shipping on some part, its already built into the price. as for paying a fee for a card, just foolishness.
i dont need a copy of your receipt, how is it you dont understand the CC fee's are added in by the seller without them saying a word to you. kind of like when you see free shipping on some part, its already built into the price. as for paying a fee for a card, just foolishness.
I didn't use the CC. If I had paid the bill with a personal check or with cash it would still have been $1,184.41 So, when the guy at the counter told me the bill was $1,184.41 he had no idea whether I would pay with cash, check or credit card.
Now tell me again about the seller adding CC fees to every bill, for every transaction. Exactly how does that work???
OK you go into Joe's repair shop and he says, "I will fix your flat for $10.00."
You say "OK, here is my credit card."
Joe says, "Oops I made a mistake, if you pay with a credit card it will now be $10.35."
Come on... be real world. I am 74 years old (or is it only 73?) I have been around the block and am tight fisted with what little money I have left after paying $250k in medical bills in the past 10 years. I have made many mistakes in my lifetime and you and your best buddy trogor are the only two humans on the earth that has never, not even once, been wrong about anything."
boy you really are slow between the ears arent you?! as far as being wrong about stuff, i am occasionally wrong, but im not a vile nasty liar like you are. you want to keep playing this game you started?
Come on, Red. You are engaging in a battle of wits with an unarmed person. Just do as I have done and put this piece of garbage on the “ignore” list. Believe me, you’ll be happier for it.
JB White
12-25-2017, 10:54
Bill, has you or anyone else noticed the gist of this thread? One guy is explaining something without much adieu. Constantly having to prove his point. Another is badgering and name calling relentlessly simply for the sake of being confrontational. I think one has been fed enough rope to hang himself in front of the entire crowd.
I have to congratulate a couple of others who might normally contribute to this line of badgering. Even they are smart enough to see where this was going and didn't pile on. This isn't a simple matter of differing opinions getting a bit out of hand. Someone has shown it's nothing but a very, very ugly side and isn't worth the keyboard strikes in future replies.
Bill, has you or anyone else noticed the gist of this thread? One guy is explaining something without much adieu. Constantly having to prove his point. Another is badgering and name calling relentlessly simply for the sake of being confrontational. I think one has been fed enough rope to hang himself in front of the entire crowd.
I have to congratulate a couple of others who might normally contribute to this line of badgering. Even they are smart enough to see where this was going and didn't pile on. This isn't a simple matter of differing opinions getting a bit out of hand. Someone has shown it's nothing but a very, very ugly side and isn't worth the keyboard strikes in future replies.
you are correct, red has strung miles of rope all over this forum. that some of you tolerate lies, insults, and nastiness from that lowlife , but have the nerve to stick your nose in when someone gives him some of it back, speaks volumes of your character!
JB White
12-25-2017, 11:13
Merry Christmas. {click}
Merry Christmas. {click}
isnt that sweet, one of reds loyal followers wont bother me anymore! amen brother! you guys all wonder why many decent members of this site have left and dont come back, look at red, and those that support his behavior, and the bullies that pile on after he starts in with his BS!
JB, I have noticed that anytime Red or several others (but especially Red) says something that leftyo disagrees with the said leftyo launches one of the most vitriolic attacks possible against whomever he feels affronted him. I think this sort of childish behavior should be strongly discouraged by all members of this forum. I feel that if the Admin won’t take some action then he should be boycotted by the members of this forum. I have read the thread elsewhere regarding the “ignore” list and disagree with those that seem to think that it’s okay to tolerate this kind of behavior “if you just ignore it”.
I agree with whoever stated that they doubted that this forum would survive another year. Pity, you and I have been around a long time and it never used to be this way.
JB, I have noticed that anytime Red or several others (but especially Red) says something that leftyo disagrees with the said leftyo launches one of the most vitriolic attacks possible against whomever he feels affronted him. I think this sort of childish behavior should be strongly discouraged by all members of this forum. I feel that if the Admin won’t take some action then he should be boycotted by the members of this forum. I have read the thread elsewhere regarding the “ignore” list and disagree with those that seem to think that it’s okay to tolerate this kind of behavior “if you just ignore it”.
I agree with whoever stated that they doubted that this forum would survive another year. Pity, you and I have been around a long time and it never used to be this way.
it is only red, and it is not because i disagree with him, it is usually because he has lied, and slandered me. if you people want to defend him, and take it personal that i stand up to a bully, that is on you. if you can find me going after anyone else, anywhere on this forum where i was not first attacked, show it to me, and prove it to the world, otherwise mind your own business. if you choose to condone how red has treated myself and many others over the course of many years, and you want to interject yourself into matters that your not involved with, best look in the mirror at who is causing problems. when red or someone else calls you a child molester, and many other nasty things, you might rethink your stance! remember folks red has been attacking people for years, but somehow its ok for him. the members above have never said a word to or about red no matter how nasty and vile his attacks. doesnt seem right to me. only one i have a problem with is red, and i guess i have to deal with those that want to pile on and support his nastiness. cant remember ever having a discussion with billd, but yet here he comes taking shots!
JB White
12-26-2017, 10:46
JB, I have noticed that anytime Red or several others (but especially Red) says something that leftyo disagrees with the said leftyo launches one of the most vitriolic attacks possible against whomever he feels affronted him. I think this sort of childish behavior should be strongly discouraged by all members of this forum. I feel that if the Admin won’t take some action then he should be boycotted by the members of this forum. I have read the thread elsewhere regarding the “ignore” list and disagree with those that seem to think that it’s okay to tolerate this kind of behavior “if you just ignore it”.
I agree with whoever stated that they doubted that this forum would survive another year. Pity, you and I have been around a long time and it never used to be this way.
It is too bad. Used be heated arguments would stay somewhat focused. I've know a few sites which went down simply because the administrators decided to pull the plug.
Some of this reminds me of my younger street fighting and bar brawling days. There were always a few old salts at the end of the bar who spoke what was on their mind whenever the urge hit them. Sure, we had our comebacks but they were considered part of the ....shall we say décor? Yet there was always one or two who had to start with them even when they (the old guys) were minding their own. Always trying to get people on their side. Always blaming something said the day before. Anyone who told them to pipe down was defending them, and if you weren't on his side then you must be on theirs.
One night a girl whipped one of them with a cue stick because she had heard enough. This in spite of the snide remarks from the curmudgeons towards her in the past. Didn't change a thing and it probably never did. It was easier for me to click ignore #3 than crack an expensive cue :)
Can't see what was posted, but I'm willing to place money that me, perhaps you too, have been chided over saying "pipe down". Willing to bet it won't be restricted to this particular thread either. Same old story. Different character. Once again I'm glad to see the others who enjoy butting heads with Red have shown enough common sense to let this one ride. There was no need for it here. That's why I can at least respect them for their online personalities no matter their opinions.
Vern Humphrey
12-26-2017, 01:30
I like the ads I get from AARP. They make fairly good toilet paper, but they don't flush very well -- but that's okay, they come with a stamped, self-addressed envelope.:1948:
I like the ads I get from AARP. They make fairly good toilet paper, but they don't flush very well -- but that's okay, they come with a stamped, self-addressed envelope.:1948:
Years ago I signed up with AARP to get an additional $500 new car purchase discount. I later found out how liberal this organization is--they were also a strong supporter of obamacare. I have not contributed to them since, they won't let you un-subscribe and I still get their propaganda thru the mail. My wife tears up the ads and we mail them back in the SSA envelopes they provide. They don't seem to be bright enough to get the message. You will probably have a life long supply of toilet paper.
JB White
12-27-2017, 10:55
Years ago I signed up with AARP to get an additional $500 new car purchase discount. I later found out how liberal this organization is--they were also a strong supporter of obamacare. I have not contributed to them since, they won't let you un-subscribe and I still get their propaganda thru the mail. My wife tears up the ads and we mail them back in the SSA envelopes they provide. They don't seem to be bright enough to get the message. You will probably have a life long supply of toilet paper.
Through an organization I belong to, we all got a free AARP membership as a courtesy for one year. I expressed myself rather sternly to those at the helm for giving away my private info that I entrusted them with. Six years later, without ever paying a renewal I still get the mailings and a new membership card every year. I reckon that's AARP's way of maintaining a high membership count for lobbying purposes.
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