View Full Version : Krag Bowie Bayonet

01-13-2018, 07:51
First off let me say I'm no expert on these bayonets. I am not trying to pass this off as real either. My question is does it look like the real thing or not? I have had this bayonet for years. I have never cleaned it nor did I grind on the U.S. Just as I got it. I have always wondered if it was the real deal or not. Looking for some of the more knowledgeable people on here for thoughts, comments and as to what the value might be. If it is real I would like to move it along. Thanks in advance for any help. Jim

01-13-2018, 02:47
I am no expert either BUT I have never heard of these being repro'ed. It looks like it has been used and has wear, dings, and age. A repro would likely be much newer looking, I would think! It may have been stolen by a soldier leaving active duty and he ground the US off. As if that would do any good if he was caught with it. Much the same was done with 1911 pistols, even tho they could still be ID'ed as Gov. property by serial. I have never seen one, only pics, but in my opinion it looks real.
A real gem! I would love to have it but it will be worth more then I am willing/able to pay, ground or not!

01-14-2018, 05:16
unfortunately they have been reproduced. look around you'll see stories about the repos. http://www.jouster2.com/forums/showthread.php?49882-Bowie-Bayonet