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01-14-2018, 11:01
Both sides of the family have been LE. Not my choice of career or temperament. I have always felt Eric Garner died because NY pols gave their mob overlords a gift of an exorbitant tax on cigarettes so the mob could make money smuggling cigarettes and kick back hefty campaign contributions.
Works for everyone.
S.A. Boggs
01-14-2018, 11:56
Garner died because he refused to submit because of one thing. Is it rocker science to surrender and take what you have earned? Military policing is coming and is here in some places. Our Sheriff's Department has that type of equipment that is seldom used. Not that we are that great, just not that stupid. Our SO gets along fairly well and many are well liked. The DARE officer has interacted with the kids for over 20 years, people don't call him Deputy simply Jimmy. Unless you don't know him if Jimmy says to quit you quit or get in the car and you git! Being a university town we get more then our share of stupid people and they learn quickly not to mess with the SO. The city some and also the university get a great deal of lip, heard very little on the SO.
01-14-2018, 12:21
Military policing is coming and is here in some places...
No doubt about that, except I'd substitute "many" for "some." Just saw a PBS ad for an upcoming special on "military policing," & the supplying of US military eqpt. to city police depts. by DOD. Now those here who know it all already and don't want to hear anything that conflicts with their blind faith in LE will say that the program is bound to be slanted, because PBS, like all the other networks except Fox, is hard-core liberal--which is true. However, the creator & producer of the documentary is not only the son of a career cop, but one who spent 17 yrs as a SWAT officer. So just maybe he has something truthful to say about military policing.
Like, for ex., one of the points mentioned in the ad: that when handing out the machine guns, armored cars, etc., one of DOD's official conditions was that the eqpt. was NOT to be used for domestic riot control, ONLY terrorist-related incidents.
01-14-2018, 01:45
Yes, Sam, as the lawyers say "the proximate cause" was he resisted. He was out there because of the crooked 'Rats tax legitimate businesses out of existence to give their mobster buddies leverage. That's why the swamp hates Trump, he wants to tip the power back to those who are willing to work. Barbara Tuchman-"A Distant Mirror" talked about how the Black Death paved the way for the middle class.
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