View Full Version : Another one gone

S.A. Boggs
01-27-2018, 02:25
Went to the gun shop, a rather large one part of a local chain, and found it shuttered. In this AO there are slim picking on shops and this was the largest and hardest to deal with. The shop had been in existence since the 1960's, the old man died and left it to his daughter. She is married to a "lawyer" who took over running it, new legal form to fill out along with the 4473. Impossible to trade with and prices not too good, no MSRP but close. $40 per weapon to receive anything which is outlandish. Who knows anymore?

01-27-2018, 03:10
Went to the gun shop, a rather large one part of a local chain, and found it shuttered. In this AO there are slim picking on shops and this was the largest and hardest to deal with. The shop had been in existence since the 1960's, the old man died and left it to his daughter. She is married to a "lawyer" who took over running it, new legal form to fill out along with the 4473. Impossible to trade with and prices not too good, no MSRP but close. $40 per weapon to receive anything which is outlandish. Who knows anymore?

There are two with in a couple of miles of me . Try to give the one shop business , prices are a bit high , but their overturn is low . Don't know how he manages it , but he keeps it well stocked .
The other shop , the guy is a dork . Used to do business with him . Bought a Fox 20 gauge SXS from him . Wouldn't pattern for shiet . Took it to a local smith who is a shotgun builder and knows his scatter guns . he determined someone had done a nice job chopping the barrels and that is why it scattered so quick . Went back and told the shop owner and told him I would like to trade it for the Fox SXS 12 gauge he had . The twenty was three hundred and the 12 was 325 . First thing he did was ask me why I thought it had been chopped ? Explained to him and he said the smith was mistaken . Reminded him of a conversation he and I had a few weeks earlier as to what a great smith the guy was . He still insisted it wasn't cut , red faced , and told me he had to have 75.00 difference . I reminded him that less than a week had transpired since the purchase and thought 25 was fair . He told me he had to make a profit , I told him had made a profit off the original purchase and I was willing to put another 25 in his pocket for the swap , plus I had bought a lot of guns over the years , including a couple of Anshultzs . He held tight to the 75.00 and I have not dealt with him since , sold the 20 for a loss as I would rather have taken a loss as to give him another dime .
Some of them are their own enemy . Kenneth

01-27-2018, 04:58
I guess I am lucky.... There are 6 within a 20 min drive from me... including a Cabela's in tax free Delaware...
One guy, (we call him the Pirate) who always had a significant inventory had ATI polymer lowers on sale for 90 bucks... Just days before Connecticut, I was in there and told him I'd take one and set it aside for me... I came in that weekend, just after the CT incident, to pick it up and when I went to pay the price was $200!!

I told him to take my picture and put it on the wall because he would NEVER see me in his store again....

Clark Howard
01-28-2018, 11:36
It is tough to maintain a retail shop with ample stock, when a potential customer can order most any gun-related item online for a rock bottom price, then have it delivered in 2-3 days. I have been told by many sporting retailers that their profit came from clothing, holsters, sunglasses, and fishing lures. The guns and ammo were low profit. Regards, Clark

01-28-2018, 06:45
Sounds like no loss there, maybe some local will open up one . Sounds like something was going on with family?

01-28-2018, 06:54
I have had not much luck locally here. I build mostly long ones, pocket guns bought from dealers close to here. Most high country shops are over priced. The tourists price us out and that is true also with land , etc. Love it here but very costly to own or rent or buy anything.

Former Cav
01-31-2018, 06:09
Last time I had a GOOD gun store to deal with was back before 2004. Had the GunStop in Excelsior MN and Butch's in Shakopee MN.
I moved. Haven't been able to find anyone in AZ that will sell anything for less the MSRP (the so called street price). Every thing is LIST +.
So, I order em on line.
I had one gun store here that would take care of me but the owner died. BUmmer.

01-31-2018, 06:25
Every thing is LIST +.
So, I order em on line.

All you can hope for these days is finding a dealer that charges reasonable transfer fees ($20-$30) and order on line. That's the way I buy and I even have friends who own a gun shop---their prices are OK but they just don't and can't stock the variety.

GunBroker: The worlds largest gun shop.