View Full Version : Top cop shot & Black history month

JB White
02-14-2018, 03:16
One of Chicago's police commanders was shot and killed yesterday. Full story in the news.

I overheard some comments today and my son showed me what's happening on Facebook.

"Kill all the cops!"
"Shoot all the White people"
"Kill them all cuz that's how we celebrate Black history month!"

Pretty much the entire gist of it. Nobody putting the loudmouths in any proper place. Why should all us non-blacks have any respect for people who openly preach such hatred and celebrate the death of a LEO?

Seriously, Why? Give me one good reason without any fruiti-tootie liberal BS.

02-14-2018, 03:26
There's good hate and bad hate: Facebook has recently bragged about terminating the accounts of several "white supremacists"!

JB White
02-14-2018, 03:32
There's good hate and bad hate: Facebook has recently bragged about terminating the accounts of several "white supremacists"!

We'll see what happens with this. "Oh, it's only individuals speaking their mind" Yeah...right.

02-14-2018, 03:59
JB it's the internet. Crazies abound. What about the black folks you see in the grocery store, at the gas station? Are they going around all stoked about a police shooting or just doing their thing? It's a big world, and with the internet, if you look for something in particular, there's a good chance you'll find it.

JB White
02-14-2018, 04:29
The store is one place where some people were talking LOUDLY for all the rest of us to hear it. Most of "us" were Spanish and their looks alone told more than their voices could've. As a White guy I felt I was in good company.

JB White
02-19-2018, 09:24
Chicago is naming the new Police and Fire academy after him. Great honor, but what a helluva price for his family and friends to pay. All over some low-life POS who just may turn out to be a prison yard hero.

02-19-2018, 07:19
Hmmm when I’m instructing one of my lines is you don’t want a street or building named after you, the price is too dam high. I’d rather just fade away.

JB White
02-20-2018, 06:42