View Full Version : Late WWII M1 Rifle Stock

Johnny P
02-17-2018, 01:21
Friend called about a 3.5 million M1 Rifle he found. Barrel date is 3-45, and stock is SA/GAW. Rifle was not priced as a collector, is in original finish, and all parts correct. What is the latest thinking on just how long the GAW cartouche was used before changing to NFR.

Tom Doniphon
02-17-2018, 06:15
Johnny, GAW stocks were used up until around April 1945, well into the 3.6 mil serial number range.

Johnny P
02-17-2018, 07:14
Thanks Tom. I was thinking I remembered them going into at least March, but wanted to be sure before I told him that. Rifle was an early 1990's DCM purchase.