View Full Version : Bureaucracy..................

Dan Shapiro
02-20-2018, 05:01
Interesting factoid: The Pentagon currently has 207,000 employees who sole function is to buy things for the military (procurement and acquisition). The total number of US Marines currently on active duty is 163,375. :icon_scratch:

02-21-2018, 01:38
The Pentagon hires people to proofread and edit(fixing bad spelling and grammar) all papers written by supposedly highly educated senior officers too.
Your DOD has 742,000 civilian personnel. Somebody has to buy the TP. snicker.

Vern Humphrey
02-21-2018, 05:23
Not to worry -- the way the budget system works, the money is never really earmarked for specific purchases, and department heads hold some back for "emergencies." At the end of the Fiscal Year, though, it all has to be spent, or you'll get a budget cut next year. So as the end of each Fiscal Year approaches, there is a scramble to spend all that "emergency" money. The Contracting Offices get jammed up, so much of it is spent on things that don't require contracts. DOD, as a result, has a ten thousand year supply of toilet paper.