View Full Version : KCI 30 Rounders

Pete Davis
02-25-2018, 07:16
Has anyone here used the KCI Carbine mags? They are advertised as holding the bolt open after the last round and being reliable. I already have two 15-rnd mags given to me by the late lamented Harlan Short. I wonder about the larger cap commercial mags.


02-25-2018, 09:09
One thing about 30 round magazines in a M1 Carbine is to use the M2 magazine release. It was designed with an extra tab to hold the 30 round magazine securely.



Pete Davis
02-25-2018, 05:04
Thank you. I wonder if the quality of the KCI mags is up to snuff,.

02-26-2018, 05:07
One thing about 30 round magazines in a M1 Carbine is to use the M2 magazine release. It was designed with an extra tab to hold the 30 round magazine securely.



so is that the reason I could never get a 30 rounder to feed right?

02-26-2018, 10:52
"...never get a 30 rounder to feed right..." Open the lips a tick using long, fine, needle nosed pliers. Only issue I've ever had with my Plainfield. It's a very tiny tweak that's required too.
Bolt hold open was done via the follower in some 30 round mags, as I recall.
KCI gives a 1 year warrantee on mags purchased from them directly. Where you are matters too. No mention of Carbine mags on their site though.

02-26-2018, 01:43
Hi Pete , I have a bunch of "Made in Korea" magazines and they work great 20 and 30 round sizes. I'm not sure if these are made by KCI as they came in a brown paper bag only marked made in Korea and a upc. and a nsn. number. They are nicely blued and marked "UU" on the spine. I never had a problem but you may want to try a few before you buy a bunch, regards, Mike

02-26-2018, 05:39
The KCI magazines are very very good. On par with USGI magazines. These work well, while the commercially made do not work well at all.

02-26-2018, 07:33
so is that the reason I could never get a 30 rounder to feed right?

Yes that is at least part of the reason you have feed problems,. It keeps the magazine from moving back and forth too much.
I put those mag catches in all shooter grade carbines.

02-27-2018, 02:22
thanks guys for the advise.

02-21-2019, 07:16
Thanks-a year later!