View Full Version : 1873 Trapdoor Question

02-28-2018, 01:23
I just picked up an 1873 Springfield trapdoor yesterday. Serial Number 15296. Someone said it might have started out life as a carbine. Anyone have any ideas?

Tom Trevor
02-28-2018, 05:17
Started life? What is it now? A carbine barrel is 22 inches long measured from the breech face to muzzle and the rifle barrel is 32 inches long. A carbine does not become a rifle but a rifle barrel cut off could be mistaken for a carbine. While not listed numbers 15261 and 15302 are listed as carbines. So you have a very good chance it is an original carbine. Please lift the hammer and be sure there is not a sixth number under it, you would be surprised how often this happens.