03-11-2018, 12:06
My A3 hasn't been rebarreled. The barrel date coincides with the serial number per JB web site.
The sight base index mark is off to the right of the receiver index mark.
The barrel and receiver index marks are dead on....the frontsight is 90 degrees from the extractor cut out.
The rifle shoots fine as far as I can tell. Off to the right a bit with the windage set at zero center mark, with any loads I shoot, handloads and surplus ammo.
Any particular reason the sight base is off to the right? It should shoot off to the left with the base off to the right?
The sight base index mark is off to the right of the receiver index mark.
The barrel and receiver index marks are dead on....the frontsight is 90 degrees from the extractor cut out.
The rifle shoots fine as far as I can tell. Off to the right a bit with the windage set at zero center mark, with any loads I shoot, handloads and surplus ammo.
Any particular reason the sight base is off to the right? It should shoot off to the left with the base off to the right?