View Full Version : Little humor

03-17-2018, 06:16
Guy goes to the doctor , receptionists asks what he is there for , he says , there's something wrong with my dick .
She gets angry and says , for heavens sakes , you could have said your ear or something , the waiting room is full and you have embarrassed some people .
The guy glares at her , turns and leaves . Gets a few steps down the street and goes back .
As he enters , the receptionist looks up , frowns , and ask , how can we help you ?
He says there is something wrong with my ear .
She smiles and thinks her scolding worked and says , what is going on with your ear sir ?
He says , I can't piss out of it !

Major Tom
03-18-2018, 05:33
My 'ear' dribbles!