View Full Version : I'm surprised that this article has not been posted

Ken The Kanuck
03-26-2018, 06:45
Pro-gun teens want their say.



03-26-2018, 06:59
the more the merrier. many also dont know the fastest growing sport in high schools across the country involve guns. the media really doesnt want people to know it though. instead they just want to paint guns as evil objects, despite the fact an inanimate object can be neither evil or good, it can only do the bidding of the person operating it.

03-26-2018, 07:21
KTK, that was refreshing. I actually hope some changes are coming and I hope those changes do not effect people who are responsible.

Vern Humphrey
03-27-2018, 08:34
The media will never pick this up -- can't broadcast anything that conflicts with The Agenda, you know.

03-27-2018, 09:33
The media will never pick this up -- can't broadcast anything that conflicts with The Agenda, you know.

Never! Anyway, the media are far too preoccupied with interviewing, celebrating, glorifying, the useful idiots involved in the protest. Every one of them is a hero, don't you know!

JB White
03-27-2018, 09:49
As a kid I knew a little something about guns. Aware of the dangers and the ranges involved. At their young tender ages I showed my kids what my Father showed me. Sort of, "You see that melon? That melon is your friends head. This is his head on bullets!"
Most kids only know Hollywood and video games. Blow someone apart and you'll see them again.

In the 60's every so often (rarely) someone would sneak a gun out of the house. We'd all run down to the tracks and use the coal yard fence as a backstop. Taking turns. One, maybe two shots each. Until the neighbors reported "The boys are playing with a gun over there". That's when the parents showed up. Not the police. Didn't have to be YOUR parents. We were all in trouble as they marched us down the street. Guess what was the hot topic at the afternoon coffee klatches that week! Guess whos' fannies were tanned!

03-27-2018, 11:17
What he said!

The media will never pick this up -- can't broadcast anything that conflicts with The Agenda, you know.

03-28-2018, 07:29
Ha ha ha! They're all getting suspended!!!

03-31-2018, 09:38
Our Southern cousins aren't subjected to the CBC. snicker. Kind of surprised the Communist Broadcasting Corp ran that though. Them being the long term mouthpiece of the Socialist rat offspring of unmarried parents Liberals.

03-31-2018, 11:55
Our Southern cousins aren't subjected to the CBC.

No, but if you think CBS, NBC, ABC, & especially CNN, are any improvement, you haven't been watching their 24-hr/day left-wing crusade. Trump can't blow his nose without it being twisted by them to mean something sinister.

03-31-2018, 01:21
This was in the news too.
