View Full Version : Sign in a pub

Ken The Kanuck
04-01-2018, 02:37
I went for lunch with a buddy on Friday and saw this sign, thought some might get a laugh from it. I did. First time I have tried Flickr so hope it works.



04-01-2018, 10:44
I was a sure-as-hell, acid-dropping, pot-smoking, long-haired hippie and in Idaho no less. I had many offers of "free haircuts" and I just said "wow, free, huh? Can we do it right now?" And damn, nobody ever took me up on it.

Mt own thought is, if you are going to put that kind of s**t out there, better be ready to back it up.

Ken, I know you were a world traveler and you know the score. Having to represent every day means you better be ready to stand your ground



04-01-2018, 11:01
How did you manage to go to lunch in 1972? But it's 1972 again. High school kids are protesting guns.

Vern Humphrey
04-02-2018, 07:24
In Mountain View, Arkansas, where I live there is a hippie store on Main Street. Across the street is another store with a sign like that -- "Hippies use rear entrance." :headbang:

Ken The Kanuck
04-02-2018, 08:37
I was a sure-as-hell, acid-dropping, pot-smoking, long-haired hippie and in Idaho no less. I had many offers of "free haircuts" and I just said "wow, free, huh? Can we do it right now?" And damn, nobody ever took me up on it.

Mt own thought is, if you are going to put that kind of s**t out there, better be ready to back it up.

Ken, I know you were a world traveler and you know the score. Having to represent every day means you better be ready to stand your ground



Hey Jon,

I was a long hair construction working and fighting kind of hippie. And anyone would didn't like it could kiss my ass. But I still laughed when I saw the sign.

Wish I had the hair still though.:icon_lol:


04-05-2018, 04:22
hey jon,

i was a long hair construction working and fighting kind of hippie. And anyone would didn't like it could kiss my ass. But i still laughed when i saw the sign.

Wish i had the hair still though.:icon_lol:


ha ha ha. I was the same, never really buzzed my head until the early 80's. now, nothing left to buzz.
I took a lot of ribbing about my hair, working construction in the 70's.

04-05-2018, 06:38
Lot of longhairs in the 70s cut it in the 80s and started using product. My dad and I used to tease my older brother, who fit in that slot. I was younger and never identified with that hippie style.

04-05-2018, 07:01
Never was a hippie. To young. Did grow my hair a bit in college. Later ... in the shipyard doing security. Made Sgt. ... hair and everything! Go figure that! Still, guess they just wanted results. And they certainly got the results they wanted! Nothing grew legs and walked off for the 3 1/2 years I was there. Very cool. Tomorrow ... hair cut time! The hair stylist will take off 1/2 - 3/4 of an inch! That's all! Got to leave something to brush! When I retire, if the hair is still up there I told my wife I'm going to grow it out again. Right now ... it's almost where it was in 1980. If the hair is there, come 6/24 ... I'm going to put it in a ponytail. Maybe do a mustache! Get a motorcycle! Really reach back and have some fun! Will have to keep shaving. Found out that when I stop shaving, my wife and grand children don't want to kiss me! So guess I will keep shaving! Sincerely. bruce.

04-06-2018, 02:10
[QUOTE=togor;525163]Lot of longhairs in the 70s cut it in the 80s and started using product.

? what kind of product? please explain.

04-06-2018, 07:47
Product? Mousse, gel, spray, whatever makes it stick in the desired direction. Remember the mullet? 80s were not a great decade for hair, either gender. Perms, yuck.

04-06-2018, 12:20
Product? Mousse, gel, spray, whatever makes it stick in the desired direction. Remember the mullet? 80s were not a great decade for hair, either gender. Perms, yuck.

none of that stuff for me. it was either LONG or GONE. one day after work I was at my buddies house having a few beers and his wife was buzzing his head because he was going on deployment with the guard, and she said, "hey free, you think you're old lady would freak out if I cut off all your hair?" and I said "let's see." haven't let it grow long since.

Former Cav
04-07-2018, 09:16
I grew up with my dad being a barber. when everyone else was wearing their ducktails (Elvis Presley haircut) in 1962, 3, 4 I looked like a sand sticker (a burr).
I went into the army 3 days after graduation in 65. When I came home from Nam, I didn't want much to do with hippies!
They pretty much hated us as did everyone else.