View Full Version : Biden 2020.............
Dan Shapiro
04-03-2018, 04:46
Reagan was 'the Gipper'. Joe Biden is 'the Gripper'. :icon_lol:
Mark in Ottawa
04-03-2018, 05:24
I would say that he is too old to run but as a good friend of mine says "You're only as old as the woman you feel".
Vern Humphrey
04-03-2018, 08:19
Even as we speak, Monica Lewinski is putting on fresh lipstick.:evil6:
Wow that's a grope for sure. Hands should be on the shoulders. Must suck to be a woman at times like that.
04-04-2018, 10:52
I may be wrong, but if you look at the girls fingernail polish on her right hand and then look at the hand that is on her left breast it has the fingernail polish also. Now, if Biden wears nail polish he definitely has a hand full.
Johnny P
04-04-2018, 01:12
The lady does have two hands, or should she have put the left hand on her crotch? Anyway, she looks a little old for Uncle Joe's taste.
I live in the sorry commie state, and let me assure you all, just in case one or two of you are P/O'ed at Trump for something or other, this guy is a totally worthless DOUCHEBAG.. Maybe even as bad as Hillary, except more stupid.
Former Cav
04-07-2018, 11:05
by the time 2020 comes he will be in a nursing home groping nurses cause he'll have full blown dementia.
It seems of late the only candidates that have run are all old men or old women. This is true of both sides! Where are the candidates young enough to attract the interest of younger voters? All of the old people are already pretty much stuck with their side. They young ones are the only ones who are remotely undecided. Every day, more of the older voters die off. The future is going to belong to the younger voters. Without these younger voters, conservative are not going to be able to make any meaningful contribution to the nation. Where are the younger conservative candidates who are able to appeal to they younger voters? Sincerely. bruce.
Well Bruce the supply of old people is constantly replenished. Barring some pandemic we're unlikely to run out of either old candidates or voters anytime soon.
Re: Well. Well, given that the current supply of old people are already pretty well divided up and given that younger folks appear to be less concerned about what conservatives consider important, the question is still applicable ... Where are the younger conservative candidates who are able to appeal to the younger voters? Is it really conceivable that anyone thinks younger voters will vote for a senior citizen if a younger candidate is available? At least part of the reason the squatter won w/ younger voters was simply that he was not old but young. Barring a older candidate like Sanders that generates a real enthusiasm among young people by making some sort of connection with them, how likely is it that conservatives running a old person will reach the young people and middle of the road people whose votes are so necessary to winning the 2018 and then 2020 cycle? Sincerely. bruce.
Good post Bruce. It's like a river. There are swirls and eddies. The baby boomers are the Baby Boomer Old Folks. What Trump has done is fired up a sleeping generation. Do you think EVERYONE hates Trump? Biden? C'mon. But there will be a candidate with charisma showing up. It is as it ever will be.
Re: Boomers. They are ... for the most part, already divided and decided. The Millennials are a larger demographic, they are young which means they are going to be around a lot longer than aging Boomers and they are becoming politically active as demonstrated by the last several election cycles. The simple facts are that old people are normally more active so that will stave off a significant change for a while. But, it will not stop it. Thankfully Trump was able to get through the 2016 cycle via the Electoral College so that he not clinton was making nominating appointees to the fed. judiciary and SCOTUS. He did not have any coat tails. At present it looks like he is not going to be much help to Republicans seeking to hold the House. Hopefully they can hold the Senate or else Trump will get no more judicial appointees through.
Make no mistake about it. While we who support the 2nd Amendment are happy so far w/ Trump, we are a minority whose votes have already been decided. We will vote conservative as we always do. The same is true of partisan on the left. It is just how people vote when they are strongly partisan. The 2016 presidential election as decided by a handful of voters in three key blue states that ended up tipping for Trump. Hopefully in House elections concentrating voters via gerrymandering will allow the Republicans to hold the House. Next time around, the SCOTUS will likely take that political tool away. The coming off season election will like most off season elections not be good for the administration. Trump has not made any friends with the very groups whose support he needs to move his agenda, an agenda that has stalled for lack of that support. Does everyone hate Trump? No. Some people are thrilled with him. Some are supportive of him b/c he is the only alternative to demokrats. And some people hate him. It's the same as with any other president whose ever held office. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.
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