View Full Version : Eric England has passed away

Chris F
04-08-2018, 12:38
I just received word that Eric England has passed away. Amazing Man, Marine and Shooter.

Griff Murphey
04-11-2018, 03:45
Could you tell us a bit about this man?

Chris F
04-12-2018, 12:34
Google "Eric England, USMC"

Here's one mention;

Griff Murphey
04-13-2018, 02:05

Marine A5 Sniper Rifle
04-16-2018, 04:01
I never met the big guy, but I have read about his shooting skills since I was a wee lad. He was an amazing Jarhead and one hell of a shot. He earned his rest, may no man impede his journey.:1948:

(Good to hear from you, Griff!)