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View Full Version : I just bought a Colt SAA, trigger pull is too light...

04-14-2018, 09:51
I just bought a Colt SAA, made in 1976, at the Tulsa gun show...the trigger pull is too light, I just took the gun apart I find the following issues,
All screws are damaged due to using improper screwdriver in its past...I will order new and replace.
The back strap of the grip is scratched up due to wrong screwdriver...I will have to have it reblued or live with it.
The trigger pull was lightened by hammering a small amount of metal on the side of the hammer even with the full cock notch restricting the amount of notch available...I think it can be set right by using a small stone to remove preened metal.
The best news is the insides,cyl,and barrel are like new all case hardening is perfect. I need to replace the Colt plastic grips with walnut more proper to the 1870's US Army, any ideas??? TIA hvymech

Johnny P
04-15-2018, 07:50
Buggered screws can be a good indication that there has been some bubba gunsmithing going on inside. U.S. Colts of the period had one piece wood stocks (no screw through the stocks.)

04-20-2018, 05:29
Go to www.coltfever.com and click on Gunsmithing. Read the article before you try to work on your Colt revolver. Things can go from bad to worse rather quickly. The author lists several sources of Colt-qualified gunsmiths including the factory.