View Full Version : Poachers

05-05-2018, 12:40
Out today with the wife hunting for & spraying garlic mustard on the part of our property that we haven't brought under fire management. Labor of love with me lugging a backpack sprayer through the thorns and briars.

We came across a large headless deer carcass, taken last fall/winter, judging by the look and smell of it. A fair guess would be that it was taken out of season, wounded on the public lands next door and then tracked on to our property. By no means the first carcass we've seen around here from an out-of-season hunt.

In the old days, when the king was the government, poaching on the king's land could be punished by death. We're kinder and gentler now, but I see nothing wrong with poachers losing their firearms permissions in an administrative action. Maybe even for life. Losing hunting licenses obviously doesn't matter to them, but maybe risking gun access will make them think twice, if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to severe a sanction, and yes it would never happen. But I spend a lot of time year round on that public land, and there isn't a trail sign on it that hasn't been used for target practice. Say what you will about the tree-huggers, but they seem to wear less on the public lands.

05-05-2018, 01:06
poachers should be hung out to dry. 10yrs hard labor first offense. they steal from all of us!

JB White
05-05-2018, 03:20
Some states crack down hard on poachers when caught. Aside from fines and possible jail time, the DNR can confiscate anything used when the offense was committed. Loss of guns and equipment as well as their vehicle.

05-05-2018, 03:48
Sheesh, I guess I'll have to switch to scambled.

05-05-2018, 04:13
People that poach would not give shiet about gun rights . Here in Va. There are lots of laws and forfeiture penalties and the poachers just keep on doing it . Most of the people around here that are involved in slaying deer are either head hunting , bragging rights for the most deer , and some cut the back straps out and leave the rest .
Yeah it is sickening , especially when hear of jackasses lung shooting deer with a 22 LR and at ridiculous ranges .
That's a hell of a suffering a person I'd throwing on a critter and to just walk off and not give a shiet .
Some of my neighbors are in this crowd , don't work , do dope all the time , up all hours of the night , and don't have any ethics about animals .

05-05-2018, 04:49
Probably right that the lowlifes don't care about any laws. I've thought about putting some trail cams in. There's a spot out front where the road is hidden on both sides, and people have dumped stuff in there like TVs. Stuff that isn't accepted at the Town dump.

High Plaines Doug r
05-05-2018, 04:52
Out today with the wife hunting for & spraying garlic mustard on the part of our property that we haven't brought under fire management. Labor of love with me lugging a backpack sprayer through the thorns and briars.

We came across a large headless deer carcass, taken last fall/winter, judging by the look and smell of it. A fair guess would be that it was taken out of season, wounded on the public lands next door and then tracked on to our property. By no means the first carcass we've seen around here from an out-of-season hunt.

In the old days, when the king was the government, poaching on the king's land could be punished by death. We're kinder and gentler now, but I see nothing wrong with poachers losing their firearms permissions in an administrative action. Maybe even for life. Losing hunting licenses obviously doesn't matter to them, but maybe risking gun access will make them think twice, if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to severe a sanction, and yes it would never happen. But I spend a lot of time year round on that public land, and there isn't a trail sign on it that hasn't been used for target practice. Say what you will about the tree-huggers, but they seem to wear less on the public lands.

A citation would be appropriate here regarding your claim of NRA support of criminals using firearms in the commission of any crime. It is my understanding that the NRA vigorously supports game management and strict enforcement of game laws and has for over the last 135+ years. If you could provide me with such I would be happy to defer my judgement of your claim as that of a troll or an imbecile.

05-05-2018, 06:47
Did you find the Bud Lite cans to go along with most stupidity I see in the wild. Found an elk shot and left. It was drinking from the spring and it's dead body didn't help the water purity any. I didn't get it. Then I went back a week later and the rack was very neatly removed from the scull. They knew exactly how to do it for taxidermy purposes.

05-05-2018, 06:57
If headless probably headhunters, the worst...We have to deal with road hunters here.

05-05-2018, 08:02
Nobody is saying NRA is pro poaching Doug but I doubt they feel as strongly as I do about hammering the bastards where it hurts when I find a carcass on my property. Go back and re-read the post.

- - - Updated - - -

If headless probably headhunters, the worst...We have to deal with road hunters here.

Big carcass.

05-05-2018, 08:36
A citation would be appropriate here regarding your claim of NRA support of criminals using firearms in the commission of any crime. It is my understanding that the NRA vigorously supports game management and strict enforcement of game laws and has for over the last 135+ years. If you could provide me with such I would be happy to defer my judgement of your claim as that of a troll or an imbecile.

I'm inclined to agree with Doug. The bleeding hearts typically hang out with the Sierra Club, not over at the NRA.

Major Tom
05-06-2018, 07:04
"Spot lighting" from our rural roads is big here. We see an auto driving the gravel roads shining a spot light into the fields. We know what they are up to! We call the Sheriff everytime!

High Plaines Doug r
05-06-2018, 07:57
Nobody is saying NRA is pro poaching Doug but I doubt they feel as strongly as I do about hammering the bastards where it hurts when I find a carcass on my property. Go back and re-read the post.

- - - Updated - - -

Big carcass.

"... if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to (sic) severe a sanction..."

Citation please? It is not the purview of the NRA to write game laws or enforce them. They do however, regularly rail at the mis-use of firearms by such criminals as you are describing.

05-06-2018, 09:02
"... if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to (sic) severe a sanction..."

Citation please? It is not the purview of the NRA to write game laws or enforce them. They do however, regularly rail at the mis-use of firearms by such criminals as you are describing.

Okay if you can find some strong language out of the NRA for convicted poachers losing gun rights then I'll take the correction. My understanding is that the NRA is a gun rights organization and they tend to lean into things from the perspective of minimizing losses of gun rights. Again it's not the poaching but how severe then penalties might be. Anyways nothing will come of it so it's mostly just me venting about the jerks who misuse public lands.

High Plaines Doug r
05-06-2018, 11:41
Okay if you can find some strong language out of the NRA for convicted poachers losing gun rights then I'll take the correction. My understanding is that the NRA is a gun rights organization and they tend to lean into things from the perspective of minimizing losses of gun rights. Again it's not the poaching but how severe then penalties might be. Anyways nothing will come of it so it's mostly just me venting about the jerks who misuse public lands.

As it is you accusing the NRA of being soft on crimes involving firearms or working to limit the severity of penalties for poaching, I don't feel inclined to do your research for you. The vast number of "jerks" out there and their misuse of public land has nothing to do with the work the NRA does protecting the civil rights of law abiding citizens. Unless/until you can provide me with a connection between the two; I stand by my original post: "Citation, troll or imbecile". Take your pick.

05-06-2018, 03:50
My family sort of evolved from subsistence hunting and fishing to where we are all "fair chase" hunters who abide by F&G laws, even if it means not getting an animal. Our grandfather, same name as mine was a true subsistence hunter in North Dakota during the Depression. He hunted, fished and grew a big garden. Dad said they ate a LOT of prairie chickens and jack rabbits, as deer and such were pretty much cleaned out.

Grandpa helped get out the Norwegian vote for Bob Moses in '38 and expected to be rewarded with a fat job in Bismarck. They gave him a job as game warden for McKenzie County. Set a thief to catch a thief .. he was supposedly a pretty good warden, too, as he was a very active person.


05-06-2018, 05:50
Its not your deer togor so why worry about it. I thought democrats believed in sharing.

Griff Murphey
05-06-2018, 05:57
Here in Texas the game wardens have anamatronic deer with video cameras and they are pretty tough on road hunters. I hunt private ranches only and I actually had a man and a woman drive past my parked car on the ranch road and drive up to see if there was anything to shoot in my pen. Before I got out I videoed the license plate. At the time they were doing a lot of oil exploration seismic testing and a lot of those guys had access to the ranch. I had a Benelli 12 ga (for turkey!) when I got out of the blind. Never actually saw a gun but by the looks on their faces I am sure they had one, the guy said he was with the drilling people gave he a load of BS which the ranchers confirmed later nobody was supposed to be there. I let them go because I had a video of the license plate but there must have been something hokey about the license as it could not be traced. Anyway the ranchers were not real happy with the whole deal. The criminal trespass laws here in Texas have been strengthened a good deal and as far as I know it's a felony to be on private lend with a gun as long as there is a "posted" sign up pretty much anywhere.

05-07-2018, 07:41
With some exceptions poaching in Texas is a misdemeanor. What other misdemeanors to you think ought to result in the loss of firearms Togor? I personally think the loss of hunting privileges, and very possibly your boat, car, firearms, vehicle a heavy fine and possibly massive restitution fees ought to be enough.

Frankly I don't think some felonies ought to result in the loss of firearms, especially a lot of false statements and writings violations and other process crimes like Misprision of a Felony should result in the loss of firearms privileges either, unless connected to another more serious offense that's a crime of violence, aggravated felony or crime involving moral turpitude.

This is pure gun grabbing rhetoric, and frankly disappointing.

05-21-2020, 08:11
Out today with the wife hunting for & spraying garlic mustard on the part of our property that we haven't brought under fire management. Labor of love with me lugging a backpack sprayer through the thorns and briars.

We came across a large headless deer carcass, taken last fall/winter, judging by the look and smell of it. A fair guess would be that it was taken out of season, wounded on the public lands next door and then tracked on to our property. By no means the first carcass we've seen around here from an out-of-season hunt.

In the old days, when the king was the government, poaching on the king's land could be punished by death. We're kinder and gentler now, but I see nothing wrong with poachers losing their firearms permissions in an administrative action. Maybe even for life. Losing hunting licenses obviously doesn't matter to them, but maybe risking gun access will make them think twice, if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to severe a sanction, and yes it would never happen. But I spend a lot of time year round on that public land, and there isn't a trail sign on it that hasn't been used for target practice. Say what you will about the tree-huggers, but they seem to wear less on the public lands.

interesting comment,

never seen or heard of the NRA complain about a poacher sentence or conviction,

got any evidence, link or ???

05-21-2020, 08:45
I personally think the loss of hunting privileges, and very possibly your boat, car, firearms, vehicle a heavy fine and possibly massive restitution fees ought to be enough.

"Loss of hunting privileges"? Are you kidding? What's that to a game thief? What's "enough" is loss of their miserable worthless lives. NOTHING is lower than a poacher!

05-22-2020, 03:08
Ya gotta link, you got any evidence? The NRA is above that. That's why when you ask God to save your mom from cancer it doesn't work.
Poachers are...well, Good Ol Boys. Me being the devils advocate kind of gets it. They're country. Their daddies worked all their lives to make a little ranch work. And it's beautiful. Books have been written about the folks who went thru hell to make a living off the land. Then; there's the well bred descendant who is the BBOC in the small town,and god bless him he has some history, but that doesn't mean he gets to take his jeep out into the country and slaughter whatever he see's.
Probably not real accurate.
But some one is taking game illegally and not only that, they waste game and resources(an elk left to rot and a hundred yr. old juniper cut down for firewood) and, well, I know I'm a bleeding heart about this stuff, but it pisses me off.

05-22-2020, 04:38
I posted a long reply on this yesterday in the 2A section on Doug's thread.

I think CH has a damn good point--if someone is breaking game laws, what do they care about a license, or possibly even a fine? Rich guys and speeding tickets, right? Pay the fine, have your lawyer make the points go away. Poor guy, hunt, drive, without a license.

Some states (more than I thought) have felonies on the books for extreme cases of poaching. As far as I can tell, the NRA supports monetary fines for poaching. I cannot find any NRA position, one way or the other, on the subject of making poaching a felony.

I see a lot of headless deer, and hear guys shooting out of season. By nature I am not a hard core "rules" guy but something about poachers really goes against my grain.

05-22-2020, 05:17
I'm not getting into the NRA argument: But one night a few years ago I saw a light in my woods behind my house. I got my 12 gauge and fired one shot at the light. Who ever it was, beat feet and didn't stop. I use blanks for such fun!:1948:

05-22-2020, 07:51
Another one that rubs me the wrong way is the apparently unwritten rule for some when hunting on public lands:


Mark in Ottawa
05-22-2020, 11:01
Allen: Good pun. It took me a minute to understand the reference, even though my wife often eats poached eggs

05-22-2020, 11:57
Low Life Trash that is what they are

05-22-2020, 12:45
Togor, NRA membership isnt like a professional license. If you get a DUI, or get convicted of poaching, you dont have the requirement to report the crime to the governing body.

Other members in good standing could however, seek a quorum with the state NRA representative, and request guidance for a member not in good standing.

05-22-2020, 01:27
Togor, NRA membership isnt like a professional license. If you get a DUI, or get convicted of poaching, you dont have the requirement to report the crime to the governing body.

Even if there was such a requirement, how would it be enforced? When I joined in 1959, the requirement was that new members be recommended by a current member, though even that could obviously not guarantee bad apples would be kept out.

05-22-2020, 01:33
Even if there was such a requirement, how would it be enforced? When I joined in 1959, the requirement was that new members be recommended by a current member, though even that could obviously not guarantee bad apples would be kept out.

Likely only by a system of self or peer reporting. I dont think the NRA is this exclusive affiliation, it may have been a long time ago. You send your $35, they send you a card and 12,000 pieces of junk mail.

05-22-2020, 03:43
what does the NRA have to do with state hunting regs?

05-22-2020, 07:05
what does the NRA have to do with state hunting regs?


Firearms regulations in general including those that affect hunting are of interest to the NRA.

05-23-2020, 10:17

Firearms regulations in general including those that affect hunting are of interest to the NRA.

ok, so what does the NRA have to do with State regs on poaching?

NRA has an interest in firearms ownership and regs in general, but how a state manages the game in that state,,,,, what does the NRA have to do with that ?

05-23-2020, 11:28
So follow-up question.

From what I read, as I posted previously, you can find articles in NRA online publications about poaching and the potential value of monetary fines as an enforcement tool.

From what I can tell that is not an official position by the NRA, but nonetheless one they allow in their media channel.

If someone wants to argue that the NRA has no business having any opinion whatsoever on poaching laws, sure, there's a case to be made there.

05-23-2020, 11:31
So follow-up question.

From what I read, as I posted previously, you can find articles in NRA online publications about poaching and the potential value of monetary fines as an enforcement tool.

From what I can tell that is not an official position by the NRA, but nonetheless one they allow in their media channel.

If someone wants to argue that the NRA has no business having any opinion whatsoever on poaching laws, sure, there's a case to be made there.

so the NRA is anti poaching,, correct?

from your first post

but I see nothing wrong with poachers losing their firearms permissions in an administrative action. Maybe even for life. Losing hunting licenses obviously doesn't matter to them, but maybe risking gun access will make them think twice, if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to severe a sanction, and yes it would never happen. But I spend a lot of time year round on that public land, and there isn't a trail sign on it that hasn't been used for target practice. Say what you will about the tree-huggers, but they seem to wear less on the public lands.

when has the NRA stood up for Poachers rights?

05-23-2020, 11:58
In your mind you have me on the cross hairs, ready for the kill, but zoom out first on the text to a wider quote:

Losing hunting licenses obviously doesn't matter to them, but maybe risking gun access will make them think twice, if the prospect for being caught a second time is a trip to prison. Of course the bleeding hearts at the NRA will claim this is far to severe a sanction, and yes it would never happen.

My original claim was the NRA does not favor penalties for poaching that involve loss of gun rights and/or prison. In some states that is the penalty for extreme cases, but nowhere can I find evidence that the NRA supports going that far. Do you?

If you want to argue that's not the NRA's job to take positions on poaching penalties, then that path is open to you. But if you're arguing that I misrepresented the NRA's position, you need to bring evidence. So far I've done all the heavy lifting and guess what my claim still stands.

05-24-2020, 05:52
in your mind you are paranoid when folks hold you feet to the flame (what you post)

you come here to post liberal thoughts and posts, then get defensive and accusatory when someone calls you out ,,

please provide proof of what you claim,

if the NRA has posted somewhere that they do want someone that commits a crime to be able to get a firearm (poaching being a crime) or that they want a lesser sentence for someone that commits crimes, surely we all would want to know,

usually they are the exact opposite,

05-24-2020, 08:02
I must say Lyman I am in awe of your super power to read minds of other posters. Heck you don't even need to read their posts, just sort of "see" the words on the screen to know that they're "paranoid", "secret liberals", etc.

Here's a tip: try going by what is actually written, not what you would like to think it means. Your crystal ball, dare I say it, is one of those crappy Chinese models that doesn't work worth a damn.

So are we done with this thread or what?

05-24-2020, 08:57
Okay so I found a NRA article that I like on the subject:


Money quote (for me):

Poachers are no different from thieves who break into a store to rob a cash register. They trespass, kill and steal animals and fish illegally, often for profit.

So...bingo! The NRA agrees with me....catch the bastards and treat them like the common criminals that they are. Had to dig a bit to find it, as they mostly want to talk about Africa, but there it is.

I stand corrected, re: NRA and poachers.

05-24-2020, 10:18
I must say Lyman I am in awe of your super power to read minds of other posters. Heck you don't even need to read their posts, just sort of "see" the words on the screen to know that they're "paranoid", "secret liberals", etc.

Here's a tip: try going by what is actually written, not what you would like to think it means. Your crystal ball, dare I say it, is one of those crappy Chinese models that doesn't work worth a damn.

So are we done with this thread or what?

I do, re the read part

try not to be as insulting when confronted, since that clearly stated in the rules,,

makes your arguments even weaker,
for someone who wants to talk things to death and insists he side is right,,,, to suddenly find out it is not everyone's thought, you tend to lash out when things don't go your way,

very predictable, and well, you know

as far as done,,, ask the OP

- - - Updated - - -

Okay so I found a NRA article that I like on the subject:


Money quote (for me):

So...bingo! The NRA agrees with me....catch the bastards and treat them like the common criminals that they are. Had to dig a bit to find it, as they mostly want to talk about Africa, but there it is.

I stand corrected, re: NRA and poachers.

after what,, 3 yrs or so?


High Plaines Doug r
05-24-2020, 10:46
As it is you accusing the NRA of being soft on crimes involving firearms or working to limit the severity of penalties for poaching, I don't feel inclined to do your research for you. The vast number of "jerks" out there and their misuse of public land has nothing to do with the work the NRA does protecting the civil rights of law abiding citizens. Unless/until you can provide me with a connection between the two; I stand by my original post: "Citation, troll or imbecile". Take your pick.

Great! You've found a citation. One than doesn't really support your initial accusation though.

Do you think you owe an apology to the NRA and it's members here for being a troll or an imbecile?

05-24-2020, 10:59
Not even Red digs up two year old threads for further litigation so I think words that apply to someone who does that include fixated and obsessive.

As for how the issue resolved, I'm satisfied. Far from my position being a gun-grabbing rant, it's in the mainstream of responsible firearms ownership in line with NRA thinking on the subject. Works for me.

I'm done with this thread. If you want to keep playing with it, feel free.

05-24-2020, 12:30
Not even Red digs up two year old threads for further litigation so I think words that apply to someone who does that include fixated and obsessive.

As for how the issue resolved, I'm satisfied. Far from my position being a gun-grabbing rant, it's in the mainstream of responsible firearms ownership in line with NRA thinking on the subject. Works for me.

I'm done with this thread. If you want to keep playing with it, feel free.

my point previously easily proven by this post,

High Plaines Doug r
05-25-2020, 12:17
Can't quite bring himself to apologize for his original smear. LoL

05-25-2020, 02:26
Can't quite bring himself to apologize for his original smear. LoL

never gonna happen,

05-28-2020, 06:39
He never could admit he might have been wrong about anything....It's just his style....