View Full Version : There is hope for the Nation

05-16-2018, 05:31

05-16-2018, 05:47
Not being factious. It sets a good example for the youth of today(totally backwards, I know). All it takes is an example of something good coming from something violent. Now, that means a fair fight, not some cheap shot, kick in the b**** kind of fight. But hey, a barroom fight is a barroom fight. And there are basic rules if you are a gentleman and that's what we should all aspire to be.

Vern Humphrey
05-16-2018, 07:00
I agree with former Senator Zell Miller, "We should never have outlawed dueling."

Hey, it takes place in private, between consenting adults, right?

05-16-2018, 09:26
I agree. And there are some rules of behavior.

05-17-2018, 08:04
Man can't control himself and drink ... he needs to stay away from the sauce! If this has not been two politicians ... it this had been a couple of Joe Blows duking it out ... the police would have almost certainly made arrests ... and rightfully so. JMHO. Sincerely. bruce.

05-17-2018, 09:34
Sounds more like a 'common assault.(that'd be the term in our Criminal Code) than a fight according to that news report.
"...Man can't control himself and drink..." It'd be drink and control himself, but absolutely.