View Full Version : Only in the DPRK............

Dan Shapiro
06-11-2018, 04:06
Welcome to the "reality" of the Democratik People's Republik of Kalifornia.

AUBURN, CA—Local 36-year-old man Nate Ripley, who identifies as a six-year-old, “absolutely crushed” a game-winning homer at a local tee-ball game and won the championship for his team Monday evening, reports confirmed.

Ripley reportedly walked up to the plate in the bottom of the 6th, pointed his bat toward the left-field wall looming 130 feet in the distance, and let her rip, sending the ball rocketing over the fence and into a parking lot as the fans cheered and his coach yelled out, “Attaboy, Nate! Good job, bud!”

His team, the Lil’ Padres, attempted to hoist him up on their shoulders in celebration of their great victory over the favored Tiny Tigers, but were unable to pick up the large 230-pound man.

Ripley’s feat comes at the end of a momentous tee-ball season, in which the self-identified six-year-old absolutely shattered every record set prior to that point. With a 1.000 batting average, 52 home runs, and an incredible showing at first base, second base, shortstop, third base, and pitcher, the man is being called an inspiration to other six-year-olds everywhere.


06-11-2018, 05:24
Don't even know what to say about this one..............

Vern Humphrey
06-11-2018, 06:31
The sad thing about it is, the Regressives don't see anything wrong with this.

JB White
06-12-2018, 06:27
Nate Ripley, believe it or not, used to be called Natalie. :evil6:

Major Tom
06-12-2018, 06:51
WTF! Absurb!

06-12-2018, 07:14
And this is what our military personnel is reverting to. Pansies

06-12-2018, 08:58
That's got to be a joke.

S.A. Boggs
06-12-2018, 11:16
That's got to be a joke.

Is it a joke or the new reality?

06-12-2018, 01:10
says something that people can't tell if it's real or not. Turn off the damn TV already!

Mark in Ottawa
06-12-2018, 01:12
If you google his name there are quite a number of entries about this but they are all essentially the same and are therefore almost certainly from the same original source. To me that means that it's still not certain if this is real or a joke because the original source may be a gag - which I suspect is the case. There is no way a bunch of parents are going to let an adult play against their small children; its too dangerous.

JB White
06-13-2018, 04:42
says something that people can't tell if it's real or not. Turn off the damn TV already!

C'mon Tog....are you saying it's....it's *gasp* fake news?

Disclaimer: No childrens faces were smashed by 110mph line drives at 45 feet during the creation of this story.
Photoshop is not legally responsible for gullibility resulting from the use of its product.