View Full Version : Was there any AR15 stocks with butt traps in the
Viet Nam era, A1s/SP1s? Hope I've made myself clear?
The M16A1 (1968) has a butt trap.
06-14-2018, 02:51
My SP1 has butt trap
My SP1 has butt trap
Is it A1 or A2 length?
Clark Howard
06-16-2018, 05:57
The A2 has a butt trap.
Clark Howard, as many do, just confuses issues here?
all A2's have a trap, and the A2 came out in the 80's
the A1 had a trap, and as posted, came out in the late 60's, the commercial Colts (A1's should have changed then as well)
keep in mind, parts got swapped when in Gov't service, so some may be 'incorrect' but legit,, if that makes sense
5/8th difference in length from the standard and A1 to the A2
hope that helps
Former Cav
11-09-2018, 10:46
seems to me my bird caged flash suppressored with forward assist 1968 vintage issue in Vietnam had a trap door in the butt stock for tools.
Mine also had the 8620 tool steel bolt and NOT the chrome bolt carrier. It was issued to me in very late NOV 67 in an armored cav unit and it was NEW.
Worked fine, I only had ONE stoppage and that was due to ammo. I hit the dirt, rammed it out with the cleaning rod that was running through the front sight and out the carry handle. When I hit the dirt, a burst of AK fire would have got me across the chest. It was Tet 68 in Cholon in house to house chit. DEVINE intervention. By the way, when I was loading those magazines in the AM, those bullets were from the Twin Cities army ammunition plant in Arden Hills, MN which was about 6 miles from where I lived and entered the US ARmy.
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